Group Study Room – Spring 2018 Pilot

General Regulations Pertaining to all Study Rooms – As of January 28, 2019 we moved into the Library / LRC building. 
Due to this relocation, the information below is no longer accurate. 

See new Group Study Room information for the LRC building at

Group study rooms are located on the 3rd floor of the Library.

  • As of April 2018 – students can reserve the study rooms themselves!! Click this link to self-register: self-registration is to test a product that will allow us to make the 8+ study rooms in our new San Marcos Library building (opening Fall 2018) readily available. For now the rules are the same but we will make changes if necessary based on the results of pilot.
    Click this link for help using our new feature.

    And, as always, you can ask our staff for help!

  • Study Rooms are for the exclusive use of currently enrolled Palomar College students, for collaborative study and group projects.
  • Rooms can be reserved for a maximum of 2 hours by groups of 2 or more people using this link to self-register  –   The link displays a calendar from which you can select hours available for group reservations.
  • All study room use is on a first-come first-served basis, per reservations submitted using the above link. You must include the academic activity for which you are scheduling the room.
  • Personal property must not be left unattended in study rooms. Leaving property in a study room does not reserve that study room for later use.
  • The Library assumes no responsibility for damaged or stolen property.
  • Library staff may move unattended materials to the Lost and Found at the second floor circulation desk.
  • College staff may enter any study room at any time.
  • Furniture must not be moved.
  • Staff may ask study room users to leave for violations such as:

Excessive noise
Violation of the food or drink policy.
Moving or disconnecting equipment.
Using study room for personal activities such as video games or other entertainment.
Abuse of furniture or equipment. Persons who misuse or abuse the equipment or furniture will be denied access and may face academic sanctions and/or criminal prosecution.