Tuition and Fees: Spring 2020

Mandatory Fees

Mandatory FeesIn-State Resident StudentsNon-Resident StudentsInternational/
Foreign Students
Enrollment Fee**$ 46 per unit$ 46 per unit$ 46 per unit
Health Fee (Fall and Spring)$ 21 per semester$ 21 per semester$ 21 per semester
Health Fee (Summer)$ 18 per semester$ 18 per semester$ 18 per semester
Student Center Fee (up to $10 annually)$ 1 per unit$ 1 per unit$ 1 per unit
Non-resident Tuition$ 290 per unit$ 290 per unit
Audit Fee$ 15 per unit$ 15 per unit$ 15 per unit
Returned Check Fee$ 20 per check$ 20 per check$ 20 per check
Additional I-20 Forms$ 2


Optional Fees*

  • Student Representation Fee – $2 per term
  • Student Activity Card – $15 per term
  • Student Parking Permit
    • $46 per term for automobiles (up to 5 registered cars, motorcycles, etc.)
    • $26 per term for automobiles for students that qualify for CCPG (up to 5 registered cars, motorcycles, etc.)
    • $20 per term for a motorcycle only permit
  • Transcript Verification – Reg. $5/Rush $10

*Optional fees are non-refundable

** If the enrollment fee is increased by State law after registration has begun, you will be required to pay the difference for all classes on your schedule at that time.
Fees are subject to change without further notice.