- AAUW Carlsbad, Oceanside, Carlsbad, Vista (COV) Branch– Scholarship for a student who is currently enrolled in Mira Costa College, Palomar College, or transferring or returning junior or senior enrolled at CSUSM: Please see website, when application is available: https://cov-ca.aauw.net/scholarship/
- AAUW Poway-Penasquitos Branch Re-entry Woman Scholarship- Scholarships are awarded to women who are non-traditional students who have experienced challenges in life and education that differ from the traditional 4-year path. Please see website for more information on how to apply: http://powayarea-ca.aauw.net/re-entry-woman-scholarship/
- AAUW – San Diego Branch – AAUW scholarship awards are both merit-based and need-based. Particular attention is given to candidates who have goals and leadership that will contribute toward furthering the growth and advancement of society and equity for women and girls. Please see website for more information and how to apply: Online Scholarship Application, please click here – For questions, please contact the Scholarship Chair
- American Graphics Institute: The American Graphic Institute Design Thinking scholarship is offered to both part-time and full-time students enrolled in degree programs at any accredited college or university in the United States. Please see the website for additional information and to apply: http://www.agitraining.com/scholarships
- Association on American Indian Affairs Link to Website – See website for application. Open to American Indian and Alaska Native students who are 1/4 Indian blood or more and are enrolled members of their tribe. Applications can be mailed to: Lisa Wyzlic Director of Scholarship Programs Association on American Indian Affairs 966 Hungerford Dr, Ste 12-B Rockville, MD 20850
- ColibríMX Scholarship– This scholarship aims to promote access to higher education for immigrant students of Latino descent residing in San Diego County: https://www.maacproject.org/colibrimx/
- Education-Portal.com – Computer Science and Computer Engineering Scholarship Link to Website Deadline April 1st of each year.
- Folds of Honor Scholarship – Link to Website Deadline: Please check website for deadline.
- GCFW Contemporary Women of North County- GCFW is a non-profit organization that supports community service efforts in the San Diego North County area. Our Scholarship is is offered to a currently enrolled female planning to continue at Palomar College or MiraCosta College who demonstrates an interest in career, community, and self-improvement through volunteerism. Our Scholarship is to be used for tuition, textbook, and/or supplies required by the professor for a class. Application Deadline is yearly by April 15th: Application: https://www.palomar.edu/fa/wp-content/uploads/sites/63/2018/02/Scholarship-Application-College.pdf
- Help Teaching.com– HelpTeaching.com, a platform focused on providing high-quality resources for teachers, tutors, homeschool parents, and others who work in the field of education, offers a new scholarship for students in high school and college. See website to apply: http://www.helpteaching.com/resources/scholarship
- Nordson BUILDS Scholarship- We support bright, motivated students who live near our facilities in the United States and attend a college or university, community college or trade school in pursuit of a major related to manufacturing. Please see Flyer for information and click the following link to apply: https://www.ofic.org/smr/nordson
- P.E.O. Program for Continuing Education– For Females who have had an interruption in their educational goals
- Soroptimist –Women’s Opportunity Awards: Please pick only one location to apply. Using the attached reference forms, please submit two references (from person not related to you) with your completed application. Applications received without two references will not be considered. www.soroptimist.org
- Tri-City Hospital Auxiliary Nursing Scholarship – The Tri-City Hospital Auxiliary Scholarship Committee has established a Scholarship for students enrolled in the Nursing program at CSUSM, MiraCosta, or Palomar College. Please see the additional Eligibility Criteria and Application. Please submit your application to the Palomar College Foundation Office: Linda Moyan: lmoynan@palomar.edu
Last modified on June 14, 2024