Early College Forms and Quick Links

Palomar College Quick Links

A group of Bonsall High School students listening intently to a lecture.

You may use Adobe’s Fill and Sign feature to complete our forms. Click here to download the free Adobe Signature application if necessary.

To sign with a Digital Signatureyou must download and save your form to your computer first. We accept wet signatures (hand signature) and digital signatures ( date and time stamp) only. If you have a software/app/program that allows you to digitally sign your form with a date and time stamp, other than Adobe, we will accept the signature. We understand there are software’s/app’s/program’s that allow you to place a wet eSignature, we will review the form before accepting the form.

Add/Drop Form

Add/Drop Form

Submit completed and signed form to the Admissions Front Counter to add or drop a class.  If the class you wish to add is full, you must obtain the instructor’s signature.

AB540/AB2000 Affidavit

AB540/AB2000 Affidavit Form

This is required to apply for AB 540 status. Click here for more AB 540 information.

Application for Admission

Application for Admission – Online

All are strongly encouraged to complete the online Application for Admission for faster processing times. The paper application is not available online, please email admissions.

Audit Application

Audit Application Form

Request to change normal letter grading (ABC/P) to Audit (AUD). Print and read the form carefully for instructions and qualifications. Once the form is signed and submitted, the student will not have the option to revert back to a graded option. There is no refund of audit fees. Submit this form in-person to Admissions in the Student Services Center in San Marcos or to Admissions at the Escondido Center.  Use the Division/Department list below to obtain the required signatures for your class.

Authorization for Release of Information

This form must be signed by the student in-person in the Admissions Office. The student and the individual(s) listed on the consent form must be present and must have a legal picture identification (driver’s license, state ID card, passport, military ID card, etc.)

California College Promise Grant

California College Promise Grant Form

(Formerly known as the BOG Fee Waiver)- Effective Fall 2016

Course Substitution/Waiver Form

Course Substitution/Waiver Form

Purpose: Obtain permission from the academic department to substitute or waive a course required to complete an Associate Degree or Certificate of Achievement Program
Location: Online or Evaluations Office, SSC-40
Location to Submit:
 Evaluations Office, SSC-40
Documentation Required: Unofficial transcripts and/or course descriptions
Processing Timeframe: Depends on the academic department, typically up to 2 weeks
Student Notification: Typically student-initiated or through degree or certificate program evaluation

Data Change

Data Change Form

(Effective Fall 2020) – Submit this form when you need to make changes to your email address, street address, or telephone number. Changes to name, date of birth or social security number or gender will require a legal picture ID and social security card, or other legal documents. Submit in person to the Admissions Office, located in the Student Services Center at San Marcos or in the main lobby at the Escondido, Rancho Bernardo or Fallbrook center, or scan and email from your Palomar student email.

Duplicate Diploma Request

Duplicate Diploma Request Form

Use this form to request a copy of your diploma. Fees apply. The link directs you to the Evaluations Office website.

Grade Adjustment Form

Grade Adjustment Form

Purpose: Request an adjustment to your grade point average after repeating a course in which you have received a substandard grade (D, F, FW)
Location: Online or Records Office, SSC-55
Location to Submit: Records Office, SSC-55
Documentation Required: Possibly transcripts from another college
Processing Timeframe: Typically 7-10 business days, up to 3 weeks during the end-of-term processing
Student Notification: None, student referred to check eServices transcript

Grade Dispute Form

Grade Dispute Form

Purpose: Submit this form for a formal hearing to dispute a grade if you are not satisfied after you have discussed your grade with your faculty member, department chair and Dean.
Location: Link
Location to Submit:
 V.P. Instruction Office, AA-103
Documentation Required
: See Policy and Procedure guide
Processing Timeframe:15 days
Student Notification:

Incomplete Form

Incomplete Form

Purpose: Request to receive an Incomplete grade in a course due to unforeseen emergency, and justifiable reasons at the end of the term. Students will have 1 year to complete the missing course requirements. Failure to complete the course work will result in an F grade.
Location: Online or Records Office, SSC-55 
Location to Submit:
  Records Office, SSC-55
Documentation Required
: None
Processing Timeframe: End-of-term when grade rosters are submitted
Student Notification:  Mail

K12 Special Admission Approval

K12 Special Admission Approval Form

After completing the online Application for Admission, this form is required for students who will be under 18 years of age at the start of any Palomar College semester ( Fall, Spring or Summer) or are currently enrolled in K-12 public, private or home school.

  • K-12 students are limited to 7 units in the spring or fall term and 5 units in the summer session. A student requesting enrollment in excess of these limits must petition to the Director of Enrollment Services and provide transcripts and written justification. See  K-12 Special Admission Unit Petition .
  • If the minor student is attending high school, the student, parent/guardian, and the high school district official must sign.
  • If the minor student has graduated high school or has received a California High School Proficiency Exam Certificate, then only the student and parent/guardian signature are required.
  • If the minor student is homeschooled, please see below:
    • Parent/Guardian/school admin must sign as the district official
    • A copy of a Private School Affidavit is required.
  • If the minor student is under 16 years of age, the Palomar faculty member of the class for which they wish to enroll, must give written permission on the K-12 Special Admission form with a signature and submit a completed Add/Drop form. Admissions staff will process the enrollment in person once all required signatures have been obtained, and only on or after a student’s enrollment appointment date.
  • In all cases, submit the form to the Enrollment Services Office in the Student Services Center on the main campus in San Marcos or one of our Education Centers in Escondido, Fallbrook, or Rancho Bernardo, or as a PDF document to admissions@palomar.edu from your Palomar student email.

Major Change

Major Change Information

Non-Credit Community Education Application

Non-Credit Community Education Application – Spring 2018

Print both pages of this form and complete for Non-credit Adult Basic Education, Disability Education, and English as a Second Language (ESL) classes.  Submit the completed form to the Admissions Office in the Student Services Center, or in the Main Lobby at the Escondido Center.

Out-Of-State Hold Clearance Form

Out-of-State Hold Clearance Form

Complete this form to release an Out-of-State address hold. This form must be completed and signed through Adobe with a digital signature (date and time stamp) or wet signature (hand signature).

Overlapping Class Form

Overlapping Class Form

Purpose: This form must be completed and signed by the persons below before the Enrollment Priority Petition will be processed in classes that have a time conflict. Must be completed in this order:

  1. student
  2. instructor
  3. department chair
  4. dean

Location: Link
Location to Submit:
 Admissions/FA Office

Pass/No Pass

Pass / No Pass Form

Complete this form to change the grading status of a class from ABC to PNP. Deadlines Apply. See the Add/Drop Deadlines link on the Academic Calendar page. Submit the form to the Admissions Office in the Student Services Center in San Marcos or the Escondido Center, or submit via email to admissions@palomar.edu from your Palomar student email.

Proof of Acceptance Letter Request

Proof of Acceptance Letter Request Form

Submit this request for proof of a general acceptance to the college, or for an early release from the military on the basis of college acceptance. Students must have a current application on file. Allow 5 working days for processing.

Request For Review of Residence Status

Request For Review of Residence Status Form

Complete this form if you have been coded as a non-resident and you feel this is incorrect, or you have satisfied the requirements of in-state residency and would like to have your status updated. Print the form and submit with proof of your physical presence in CA of one year by the residency determination date below and indicators of Intent, listed below. Submit to the Admissions/Financial Aid Office, located in the Student Services Center at San Marcos or at the Escondido Center. (TIP: *Please download and save the form before filling the form out)

Indicators of IntentCA Driver’s License
CA Vehicle Registration
CA 540 Tax Return
For additional information, please click here.

Residency Determination Appeal Form

Residency Determination Appeal Form

Purpose: Submit this form after you have submitted the Residency Status Change Request and received a denial of in-state residency status.  If you feel that the determination is incorrect, complete this form and submit with documentation that will support your claim for in-state residence status.
Location: Link
Location to Submit:
 Admissions/FA Office
Documentation Required
: Documents to support your claim for in-state residency status
Processing Timeframe: 5 business days
Student Notification:   Letter or email

Transcript Request Form

Transcript Request Form(from Palomar to another school, employer, institution, etc.)
Purpose: Request your Palomar transcript to be sent to schools, colleges, universities, employers, or other third parties.
Location: Online or Records Office, SSC-55
Location to Submit:
 Student eServices, Online, or Records Office, SSC-55
Documentation Required
: None
Processing Timeframe:

  • Normal: 7 to 20 business days
  • Rush: 1-2 business days
  • Holds: Depends on grade and degree processing

Student Notification:   None

Verification of Enrollment Request

Verification of Enrollment Request Form

Complete this form when you need a letter confirming that you are a student at Palomar College. This form will be stamped with the Registrar’s name and include the school seal. The form can indicate the number of units that you are taking currently, the number of units completed, the major declared, the degree awarded and the date of the award and the cumulative G.P.A. Submit the completed form to the Records Office, located at the east end of the Student Services Center at the San Marcos campus. See the form for fee information.

Voter Registration

Voter Registration Website

Use this website to register to vote in California.  To register to vote online you will need your CA driver license or ID card number, the last four digits of your social security number, and your date of birth.

Ward of the Court Verification

Ward of the Court Verification Form

Students who are under the age of 25 and are currently foster youth, or who have been foster youth in the past should use this form to obtain confirmation of their status as a foster youth. Submit the completed form to the Admissions/Financial Aid Office located in the Student Services Center at the San Marcos campus.

Image Sources

  • Bonsall High School Early College students: Palomar College | All Rights Reserved