EME 105 – EMT Preparation

EME-105, Emergency Medical Technician Preparatory (EMT-Prep), is the mandatory prerequisite course to the EME-106 course.  Taking EME-105 is a crucial step for those continuing in Emergency Medical Education.

If you are military and have taken the Combat Lifesaver Course Tier 2 or Tier 3 and have a certificate confirming completion, you can petition to bypass this class as the prerequisite by contacting Credit for Prior Learning and start the process for getting credit for EME-105.

This course prepares you to enter the EMT class. You may take this class before your eighteenth birthday and before high school graduation. This 3-unit class is offered each semester, including the summer session. Both day and evening classes are available, and we offer a Fast-Track course that will run for 8 weeks (during the summer semester) and a non-Fast-Track course option that takes 16 weeks (during the spring and fall semesters).

EMT-Prep includes the study and application of emergency medical skills and procedures, including basic anatomy and physiology, terminology, and prevention of disease transmission. Students will earn their CPR certification from the American Heart Association during a segment of the curriculum as well.

**NOTE: NO expired cards are accepted. Proof of pre-requisite equivalency is required on the first day of EME 106**


Tuition is $46.00/unit for all credit courses. The cost of books can range from $150 to $180. There is also a one-time materials fee of $22.00 for this