The objective of this action item is to provide diverse opportunities for faculty, staff and students to learn about Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.
The information provided below shows the annual progress Palomar College is making on Professional Development Training. This work is collaborative and involves staff, faculty, and students with the ultimate goal of furthering Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in the District.
Professional Development Training
All Updates
Professional Development Training
Educators for Antiracism Call to Action #6 Objective: Provide professional development training specifically addressing support for our African American/Black students and promoting antiracism in curriculum and teaching to ensure action is… Continue Reading: Professional Development Training
Summer 2020 Updates For The Police Academy
Please see the Police Academy Diversity statement for more detail as to work that has been done on these issues through the years . Summer Updates Include: Palomar College Police… Continue Reading: Summer 2020 Updates For The Police Academy
PCTV to Document Antiracist Actions at Palomar College
PCTV Antiracist Video Project As we continue to build an antiracist culture at Palomar College, we want to capture the incredible work, impactful testimonials, and active collaboration that is going… Continue Reading: PCTV to Document Antiracist Actions at Palomar College
Decolonizing Syllabi & Institutionalizing at Palomar College
Drs. Hossna Sadat and Luis Guerrero are presenting at this years plenary on methods to decolonize ones syllabus to make it within the antiracist framework. They will be working with… Continue Reading: Decolonizing Syllabi & Institutionalizing at Palomar College
Palomar College Joins USC Equity Alliance
Palomar College is very excited about this opportunity. Being a part of this alliance will mean a sustained year-long professional development program. Each month we will get to send 5… Continue Reading: Palomar College Joins USC Equity Alliance
Vigils Held For Black Lives Matter & Asian Pacific Islander Community
This summer Palomar College held a Black Lives Matter Vigil, two Equity forums and healing circles and a region X forum to support Black Indigenous and People Of Color. Please… Continue Reading: Vigils Held For Black Lives Matter & Asian Pacific Islander Community
White Allies for Antiracism at Palomar College
White Allies for Antiracism at Palomar College A new group has formed at Palomar College over the summer to support antiracist efforts. This group is open to and inclusive of… Continue Reading: White Allies for Antiracism at Palomar College
Africana Studies for Staff, Faculty, and Admin at Palomar College
We wanted to encourage everyone (faculty, staff, admin) to enroll in the Africana Studies 101 class this fall being offered by Drs Rafiki Jenkins and Martin Japtok. More information can be found here. If… Continue Reading: Africana Studies for Staff, Faculty, and Admin at Palomar College
Palomar College Pronoun Project
Our Palomar Pride Center and colleagues have put together a really wonderful pronoun guide to share with campus. Pronouns are an important part of gender identity and a way for… Continue Reading: Palomar College Pronoun Project
Library Creates New Library Guides
Alexandra Doyle Bauer and Monica Diego at Palomar College created a Black Lives Matter and Asian Pacific Islander resource guide for the library. Thank you for your leadership towards racial equity… Continue Reading: Library Creates New Library Guides