PCTV Antiracist Video Project
As we continue to build an antiracist culture at Palomar College, we want to capture the incredible work, impactful testimonials, and active collaboration that is going on all over our College. To do so, our award winning PCTV crew will be producing a documentary on our progress, challenges, and achievements.
First, we know that some really transformational meetings, sessions and conversations have taken place already and we are hopeful that these sessions may have been recorded on Zoom, and can be shared with the PCTV team. But first, we’d like to make sure that we have the agreement of participants through a signed release form. So, we have two asks:
- If you have recordings that you would like to share, please ask participants to sign the attached release.
- Send your recorded files and the releases to the PCTV Dropbox and note if there are individuals who did not sign the release – these individuals won’t be included in the film, unless we are able to gain a release from them directly.
Second, we know that as we continue this work, we are going to have some really great conversations, sessions, and meetings. When these are scheduled, please let the participants know that the session will be recorded for potential inclusion in the documentary, and a release is required (unless they have already signed the PCTV Antiracism documentary release).
Lastly, if you know of individuals who are willing to share their stories individually, the PCTV team is very interested in connecting with them. With their permission, please send the contact information for these important stories directly to Bill Wisneski (Bwisneski@palomar.edu) or Jim Odom (Jodom@palomar.edu) via email.
The form can be found here.