The objective of this action item is to take steps to offer activities that engage students, staff, and faculty in civic discourses.
The information provided below shows the annual progress Palomar College is making on Get Out the Vote. This work is collaborative and involves staff, faculty, and students with the ultimate goal of furthering Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in the District.
Get Out the Vote
All Updates
Patricia Sinay- California Independent Redistricting Commissioner engages Palomar College Students
By Salas, Leslie M.April 6, 2021
On March 4, 2021, Patricia Sinay addressed student, staff, faculty and the community in a discussion regarding redistricting and the difference between empowering and maximizing voters voices and how redistricting… Continue Reading: Patricia Sinay- California Independent Redistricting Commissioner engages Palomar College Students
A Proud LGBTQ Voting Event- WATCH NOW!
By Salas, Leslie M.October 6, 2020
Please watch:
A proud LGBTQ voting event!
The Palomar Pride center is hosting an event to discuss the importance of voting and LGBTQ-friendly candidates. Allies are welcome! Please register here.
Palomar College is officially on the CA Ballot Bowl leader board!
Palomar College is officially on the CA Ballot Bowl leader board amongst all other CA Community Colleges for registering students to vote with a total of 102. Please see link: … Continue Reading: Palomar College is officially on the CA Ballot Bowl leader board!
Get Out the Vote
Educators for Antiracism Call to Action #8 Objective: Host get out the vote campaign and contextualize the history of voting rights.