Cariño Dream Village Center Grand Opening
SU-1Details coming soon...
Building an Antiracist Culture at Palomar College
Details coming soon...
THE STUDENT HOUR: (A series of daily webinars hosted from 5:00 – 6:00 p.m.) Students, parents and influencers are invited to join us for daily webinars to receive information regarding… Continue Reading: Skillshop: An Introduction to UCSD/OASIS Programs: TRIO SSSP, Hope Scholars, and Triton Underground Scholars (V)
THE BLACK HOUR: (A series of daily webinars hosted from 12:00 – 1:00 p.m.) Administrators, faculty, staff, and students from across the California Community College system are invited to join… Continue Reading: The Diaspora Dialogues: Educators’ Reflections from Ghana