Haben Girma, honored by heads of state and named a White House Champion of Change by President Barack Obama, urges the importance of access to higher education.
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Building an Antiracist Culture at Palomar College
Haben Girma, honored by heads of state and named a White House Champion of Change by President Barack Obama, urges the importance of access to higher education.
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Join the Undocumented Student Support team in creating awareness and support of Palomar College undocumented students. Multiple state wide webinars Statewide Webinars are available through the chancellors office website. In addition events sponsored by Palomar College will take place throughout the week of October 18-22, 2021.… Read the rest “Celebrating Undocumented Students during the week of action: October 18-22, 2021”
October is National Disability Awareness Month in the United States. Palomar College Disability Resource Center (DRC) https://www.palomar.edu/drc/ is hosting events to create awareness and recognize the value of our diverse workforce and the role and contribution of disability in society. Please click on their flyer here: October Disability Awareness Events Calendar 2021
Dr. Jack Kahn and Dr. Hossna Sadat Ahadi delivered a vibrant presentation on Palomar’s Antiracist Framework at the February 22, 2021, Foundation Board of Directors meeting. The Foundation Board members were eagerly engaged in the discussion. The conversation will continue as the Foundation works to identify and adopt avenues to engage in Palomar’s antiracist framework.… Read the rest “Foundation Board of Directors engage in Palomar’s antiracist framework”
APAHE Statement 2/22/2021
Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, our nation has seen an increase in hate crimes against our Asian Pacific Islander (API) community. In 2020, the Stop AAPI Hate reporting center documented 2,808 hate incidents in the United States, and now Asian American elderly are the most recent victims.… Read the rest “Palomar College Asian Pacific Alliance in Higher Education (APAHE) vehemently rejects these ignorant and hateful acts of violence against the API community.”
On December 4, 2020, Palomar College students led a Phi Theta Kappa Antiracism Student College Project. Over 100+ students, staff, faculty, administrators, and community members attended this empowering and liberating racial healing event. https://vimeo.com/481006204/6b42ce292e
Senate President Rocco Versaci shared the following about the hard work of Alex Doyle Bauer and Hossna Sadat Ahadi, as well as the many contributions from our faculty, the “Equity Teaching Practices & Resources” page is now up and running. It is a collection of teaching assignments, presentations, readings, resources, and recommended media that support an equity framework.… Read the rest “Equity Teaching Practices & Resources at Palomar College”
President Kahn and the EDI Advisory team presented to the Board of Trustees a summary of work being done at Palomar College toward building an Antiracist culture. Please see the attached presentation. EDI Presentation
You may also watch the presentation here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTaPVjx9gWo
Please join the PC3H in remembering and recognizing the lost lives of those in our transgender community on November 19th at 3 pm. Please sign up on the provided link: Trans Day of Remembrance
This November at the ASCCC our colleagues Hossna Sadat Ahadi and Luis Guerrero present “Decolonizing Your Syllabus, an Anti-Racist Guide for Your College” Congratulations on this great work and for representing Palomar College https://asccc.org/publications/rostrum