Please see the Police Academy Diversity statement for more detail as to work that has been done on these issues through the years . Summer Updates Include:
Palomar College Police Academy has banned all forms of training on the use of the carotid restraint (choke hold). A decision accepted, received, and supported by executive and senior management. Now followed and implemented by the POST accrediting agency.
Effective January 2021, a component of the Palomar College Police Academy Orientation Course will now include a cultural diversity exercise as part of the requirement for eligibility to enter the academy.
Our recruits will now receive vital training consistent with other police academies in our geographical boundaries. We have formed a consortium among our local community college partners , where diversity training will be paralleled in San Diego County, and conform to POST standards in the State of California.
All future academy classes will include a town hall discussion that will include panel members of various racial, cultural, and gender groups that have faced discrimination, and who have varying experiences interacting with law enforcement.
We will continue our communication with our advisory board, local law enforcement agencies and POST, to develop and implement new training curriculum for our county mental health workers, social workers and law enforcement to deal with responding to critical incidents of diversity and mental health.
Cultural Diversity training remains critical and an important priority so we will partner with the Simon Wiesenthal Museum of Tolerance in Los Angeles, California, to offer a variety of Tools for Tolerance programs designed for the police academies and all other levels of law enforcement personnel.