Palomar College is very excited about this opportunity. Being a part of this alliance will mean a sustained year-long professional development program. Each month we will get to send 5 people to the monthly e-convening where they will spend 3 hours in a deep dive of the content and the final hour will be spent learning how to teach the content to our campus. Each group will create an action plan for the campus based on their work. This means each month for the next year, 5 of our colleagues will be teaching us. At the kick-off call we learned we can either send the same 5 people to each e-convening, however we are encouraged to send 5 different people each time. Looking forward to the next meeting in September. Dr. Harper who organized the alliance has also been nominated as a member of Governor Gavin Newsom’s new California Higher Education Recovery with Equity Taskforce. The Taskforce includes state and national experts in higher education known for equity and innovation work.