Empowered Women Projects at Palomar this Fall

This August 2020, the Empowered Women channel launched on Microsoft Teams. Around November 2020, no date confirmed yet, Palomar College will be hosting a virtual event for the American Association for Women in Community College, San Diego Chapter. If you would like to join the Empowered Women channel, please join the Equity and Inclusion Teams.… Read the rest “Empowered Women Projects at Palomar this Fall”

Plenary 2020 Dedicated to Antiracism Work & Action

The Palomar College Fall 2020 plenary event was designed with a strong focus on two areas, online teaching and institutionalizing antiracism.

For our first day of plenary, several of our Palomar employees volunteered their time to lead valuable workshops to help Palomar College institutionalize antiracism, which included the following workshops: “Combating Racism:  How you can make a difference,”  “Bridges, not Walls: Palomar College Puente Program,”  “From Black Lives Matter to Black Students Matter: How Can You Help Support Umoja Students Virtually?”… Read the rest “Plenary 2020 Dedicated to Antiracism Work & Action”

Palomar College Pronoun Project

Our Palomar Pride Center and colleagues have put together a really wonderful pronoun guide to share with campus.

Pronouns are an important part of gender identity and a way for people to show respect for people and their gender. Traditionally male pronouns are he/him/his, traditionally female pronouns are she/her/hers.… Read the rest “Palomar College Pronoun Project”

Africana Studies for Staff, Faculty, and Admin at Palomar College

We wanted to encourage everyone (faculty, staff, admin) to enroll in the Africana Studies 101 class this fall being offered by Drs Rafiki Jenkins and Martin Japtok.  More information can be  found here.  If you  have trouble enrolling, don’t hesitate to reach out and ask for help! … Read the rest “Africana Studies for Staff, Faculty, and Admin at Palomar College”

White Allies for Antiracism at Palomar College

White Allies for Antiracism at Palomar College

A new  group has formed at  Palomar  College  over the summer to support antiracist  efforts.  This group is open to and inclusive of all employees of Palomar College. This group’s focus is listening, learning, collaborating, and acting in support of BIPOC colleagues at Palomar College.  … Read the rest “White Allies for Antiracism at Palomar College”

Palomar College Joins USC Equity Alliance

 Palomar College is very excited about  this opportunity.  Being a part of this alliance will mean a sustained year-long professional development program.  Each month we will get to send 5 people to the monthly e-convening where they will spend 3 hours in a deep dive of the content and the final hour will be spent learning how to teach the content to our campus.  

Read the rest “Palomar College Joins USC Equity Alliance”

Decolonizing Syllabi & Institutionalizing at Palomar College

Drs. Hossna Sadat and Luis Guerrero are presenting at this years  plenary on methods to decolonize ones syllabus to make it within the antiracist framework.  They will be working with campus groups this year to determine if this can be an institutionally adopted practice.  … Read the rest “Decolonizing Syllabi & Institutionalizing at Palomar College”

PCTV to Document Antiracist Actions at Palomar College

PCTV Antiracist Video Project

As we continue to build an antiracist culture at Palomar College, we want to capture the incredible work, impactful testimonials, and active collaboration that is going on all over our College.  To do so, our award winning PCTV crew will be producing a documentary on our progress, challenges, and achievements.… Read the rest “PCTV to Document Antiracist Actions at Palomar College”