The Palomar College Fall 2020 plenary event was designed with a strong focus on two areas, online teaching and institutionalizing antiracism.
For our first day of plenary, several of our Palomar employees volunteered their time to lead valuable workshops to help Palomar College institutionalize antiracism, which included the following workshops: “Combating Racism: How you can make a difference,” “Bridges, not Walls: Palomar College Puente Program,” “From Black Lives Matter to Black Students Matter: How Can You Help Support Umoja Students Virtually?” “Seen and Unseen: Perceptions of Black and Brown Women in the Classroom,” “Seeing Your Blind Spots: Using Disaggregated Data to Improve Student Experience for Retention and Success,” “Decolonizing Your Course Syllabus,” “Creating a Culturally Responsive Classroom,” and “Providing Equity for Formerly Incarcerated Students.” On day two of plenary we are looking forward to contining our focus on antiracism with an all-college session titled “Institutionalizing Antiracism at Palomar College” in which we will hear powerful testimonials from our own employees and will be provided with numerous ways we can all participate in this important work.