Job Board

Finding the Best Jobs in Early Childhood Education

It is important to advocate for yourself and accept a position with an employer who is a good fit for you and your future.

It is no secret that jobs in early childhood education typically pay less than other careers, and we know that we teach out of our passion for children, not just for money. However, it is important to advocate for yourself and accept a position with an employer who is a good fit for you and your future.
1. Hourly WageCompare what the employer offers you to the salary rates at other schools or ECE programs in the area. Take into consideration your education  & experience. Possessing a Permit or having your degree should increase your wages.
2. Job BenefitsSome employers offer great benefits which  can help offset a lower hourly wage or salary. Ask about health insurance, 401K, free/reduced childcare, tuition assistance, paid vacation, and sick leave.
3. Educational SupportEarly childhood educators are lifelong learners, and it can be important to earn more ECE units to upgrade your permit or work towards degrees. 
Make sure your employer is supportive of you continuing your education.
4. A good fitThe tour and interview process are just as much an opportunity for you to decide if this is a place you want to work. Go with your gut feeling. Ask yourself if you feel welcomed, safe, & encouraged in this environment.

Work at the Palomar College ECE Lab School!

Our Palomar College ECE lab school loves to hire students. Apply to work at the ECE Lab School

For jobs working for a local school district, visit 



To search for jobs, internships, and volunteer experiences, Palomar College now partners with Handshake!

Handshake is a free platform on which Palomar students can view available job, internship, and volunteer/service learning opportunities. To access Handshake, login to your student portal here with your email address and password. Click on the Handshake tile. 

You can view these brief videos on how to: 

  1. Get started with Handshake. 
  2. Fill out and publish your profile. 
  3. Search for jobs/internships. 
  4. Find employers. 

Handshake is a joint project of the Career Center and Workforce Development. If you have questions about Handshake, please contact Jason Jarvinen, Associate Professor/Work Experience Coordinator at or 760.744.1150 x2355.


Thank you for your interest in sharing  job, internship, volunteer, and service learning opportunities with Palomar College students.

We are transitioning to have all job announcements be posted through the free Handshake platform where students may view and apply for positions. You’re in great company, as many Fortune 500 Companies post on this site.

You can start by registering for an employer account.

If you have questions, check out these next steps for setting up your free employer account.

You can also reference the Handshake FAQ guide for employers.


We no longer are running a Child Development online job board, so reaching out to our Career Center or using Handshake is the best way to reach students with employment opportunities. 

Service Learning at Palomar College

Gain experience and build your resume by volunteering with local non-profit organizations and schools. Connect what you are learning in your Child Development courses as you give back to the community. All sections of CHDV 115 require a minimum of 12 hours of Service Learning. In many other classes, Service Learning is an assignment option or can be used for extra credit. If you are interested, please explore the Service Learning website and talk to your instructor.