CHDV Online Textbooks

We are proud to announce that many of our Child Development Courses are ZTC/LTC (Zero Textbook Cost/Low Textbook Cost) classes. We seek to provide high quality Online Educational Resources (OER) e-textbooks. The following courses use free online texts and articles.

CHDV 99 -Student Success Guide

CHDV 100 – Child Growth and Development

CHDV 101 – Principles and Practices of Teaching Young Children

CHDV 103 – Infant and Toddler Development

CHDV 115 – Child, Family & Community

CHDV 105 – Observation Assessment and Participation in Early Childhood

CHDV 120 – Health, Safety, and Nutrition

CHDV 172 – Teaching in a Diverse Society

CHDV 185 – Introduction To Curriculum 

Supplemental Texts/Resources:

Infant and Toddler

Preschool-Aged Frameworks

The California Preschool frameworks are resources that help educators plan for children’s learning. They are designed to help educators enrich learning opportunities for preschool children including strategies for integrating learning into play, planning environments, and individualizing curriculum.

Preschool/TK Learning Foundations

California Preschool Learning Foundations provide guidance on how to create learning environments, support children’s play, and select appropriate materials. Following these recommendations constitute high-quality preschool learning across various developmental domains. This information allows educators to better understand what children should learn by a specific age based on research-backed expectations. These resources have recently been updated to include the growing expectations for Preschool and Transitional Kindergarten.

NEW: California Preschool/Transitional Kindergarten Learning Foundations

Archived: California Preschool Foundations and Frameworks

The Powerful Role of Play in Early Education