Academic Standards & Practices Committee
Role or Purpose
To annually review academic standards and practices in relation to scholarship, standards for probation, retention, disqualification, reinstatement and academic freedom, and recommend changes in existing policies and standards to the Senate.
Reporting Relationship: Faculty Senate
Term: Two Years
Distance Education Committee
This Senate committee will coordinate faculty interests in all areas of academic technology. This committee will advise the Senate on relevant technology matters:
- discuss issues on technology related to student equity (access)
- coordinate with faculty on technology governance committees
- coordinate with curriculum committee on distance learning courses
- discuss pedagogical issues relating to on-line courses and changes in technology
- discuss issues of training for on-line instructors
- advocate for faculty concerns regarding technology
- discuss academic and professional issues related to courses taught in non-traditional formats such as percentages of faculty and department loads
Reporting Relationship: Faculty Senate
Term: Two Years
Basic Skills Committee/Title V, HSI Steering Committee
The Basic Skills Committee/Title V, HSI Steering Committee will advance the Basic Skills Initiative and the Title V, HSI grant at Palomar College.
- Create and coordinate the Teaching Learning Centers (TLC) at the San Marcos campus and Escondido center
- Promote dialogue, understanding, and response to the Basic Skills Initiative and the Title V, HSI grant
- Implement, evaluate, and revise the Basic Skills action plan and the Title V “tasks”
- Continue to research and develop other learning venues to meet the needs of basic skills, Hispanic, and low-income students
- Implement Title V, HSI project activities in compliance with approved grant goals, objectives, data collection and reporting, and budget
- Increased awareness of and involvement in students’ Basic Skills needs
- Coordination of student support
- Coordination of the TLCs
- Updated annual action plan
- Collection and reporting of Title V, HSI activities, progress, and expenditures on a quarterly and annual basis to Project Evaluation workgroup
Reporting Relationship: Faculty Senate
Meeting Schedule: 3rd Thursday of each month: 2 – 3:30 p.m.
Committee on Committees
Role or Purpose
Shall be composed of five Senators, appointed by the Senate President with the approval of the Senate and shall nominate faculty members of all college committees with the approval of the Senate.
Reporting Relationship: Faculty Senate
Term: Two years
Committee on Service Learning
The Service Learning committee provides the vision and oversight for the Service Learning Program at Palomar College. Its intent is to ensure faculty and student participation and success in the program.
- Develops, reviews, and modifies policies (guidelines) for the Service Learning program
- Develops, reviews, and modifies policies (guidelines) for selecting and reviewing community partners.
- Develops, reviews, and modifies memorandums of understanding for community partner participants.
- Produces annual report detailing faculty participation, level of community involvement, and number of student hours.
Reporting Relationship: Faculty Senate
Chair: Faculty Coordinator, Service Learning program
Faculty Members: 7 faculty members; one from each division:
Other Members: Service Learning Support Staff Person; 7 faculty members; one from each division:
- Arts, Media, Business and Computer Science
- Career, Technical, and Extended Education
- Language and Literature
- Math and the Natural and Health Sciences
- Social and Behavioral Sciences
- Counseling Services
- Library
- Vice President for Instruction (or designee) – administrative liaison
Curriculum Committee
Co-Chair: Wendy Nelson
The Curriculum Committee shall be the preeminent body for the development and recommendation of curricular policy to include philosophy, goals, strategic and long-range planning. The Curriculum Committee shall coordinate, evaluate and review the college curricula to encourage innovation and excellence in instruction.
Reporting Relationship
Faculty Senate for ratification of its action and then via the Vice President for Instruction and the Superintendent/President to the Governing Board
- Four faculty representatives from each of the following divisions:
- Arts and Languages;
- Human Arts and Sciences;
- Mathematics and the Natural and Health Sciences;
- Media, Business and Community Services;
- and Vocational Technology
- Vice President, Instruction (Co-Chair)
- All Instructional Deans
- Faculty Senate Representative (Co-Chair)
- Faculty Representative from Library
- Faculty Representative from Student Services
- Articulation Officer
- Representatives from appropriate areas will be solicited and appointed by the Senate.
- Student Liaison from ASG (observer)
Members will serve a three-year term with 1/3 of the membership confirmed each year
It shall be the responsibility of the co-chairs to keep matters of strategic and long-range planning before the Curriculum Committee. Each fall semester, the co-chairs shall identify the strategic planning goals for the year and shall produce a report for Committee review no later than the last meeting of the year on goals met. In addition, the philosophy and goals of the college shall be reviewed annually from the perspective of the College Curriculum Committee.
- Approval of new instructional, AA Degree, Certificate and Continuing Education programs.
- Reviews proposed programs to determine consistency with educational master plan
- Prevents unnecessary duplication and overlap among programs
- Validates transfer and vocational programs in terms of educational and employment opportunities
- Approval of new courses for inclusion in the College Catalog.
- Edits language of catalog description
- Validates appropriate unit value
- Assigns placement within Associate Degree and CSU GE requirements
- Approves placement within AA and Certificate Programs
- Approves course prerequisites and co-requisites
- Approves basic skills entrance requirements
- Approves dual- and cross-listings
- Validates appropriateness of transfer and vocational courses
- Approves course syllabi
- Prevents unnecessary duplication and overlap among courses
- Monitors consistency of course numbers
- Approval of changes to existing programs and courses in keeping with 1 and 2 above.
- Approval of deletions of courses and programs from the College Catalog.
- Establishes procedures for, and conducts a periodic review of, programs and courses.
- Develops criteria for a timely and systematic review of syllabi
- Annually reviews courses inactive for two years
- Receives the annual report of the Articulation Officer
- Recommends college-wide academic performance standards including, but not limited to:
- Graduation requirement
- Minimum academic qualifications and standards for:
- Basic skills courses
- AA Degree applicable courses
- Non-AA Degree applicable courses
- Continuing Education courses
- Writing Across the Curriculum
- Reading Across the Curriculum
- Critical Thinking Across the Curriculum
- Establishes standing and/or ad hoc committees as needed.
Tasks not listed under a subcommittee are the responsibility of the Curriculum Committee as a whole.
Membership to the subcommittees shall include the Faculty Co-Chair, Articulation Officer, faculty assigned to technical review (prerequisites), SLO Coordinator. The tasks identified above shall be accomplished through the following subcommittees:
Subcommittees Al, A2 – Technical Review
Duties apply to all new courses, programs, and changes in existing courses and programs:
- Prevents unnecessary duplication and overlap among programs
- Approves placement within AA and Certificate Programs
- Approves dual and cross-listings
- Monitors consistency of course numbers
- Validates appropriate unit value
- Approves course prerequisites and co-requisites
- Reviews SLOs
- Ensures integrated curricula is written at high level with outcomes present to inform the course and program objectives and goals
- Approving placement within AA and Certificate Programs
Subcommittee B – General Education and Standards Subcommittee
- Assigns placement within Associate Degree GE and CSUGE and IGETC requirements
- Approves changes to existing programs and courses with respect to:
- assigning placement within Associate Degree GE and CSUGE and IGETC requirements
- Reviews courses placed in GE Requirement – Areas A-E
- Reviews and approves courses included in the District requirements – Competence in American History and Institutions/California Government, Competence in Health and Fitness, Competence in Mathematics, Multicultural Requirement
Distinguished Faculty Award Committee
Role or Purpose
To select faculty members to be recipients of the Distinguished Faculty Award.
Reporting Relationship: Faculty Senate
Faculty Members: Chair: The Chair will be the DFA full-time faculty winner from two years prior. The Vice-Chair will be the DFA full-time faculty winner of the previous year. The Chair and the Vice-Chair will work closely together to prepare the Vice-Chair for the next year’s Chair position. The Chair will then serve one more year on the committee as a member.
Faculty Members: Up to 8 full time Faculty at-large (at least 3 of whom are former recipients) and up to 3 adjunct Faculty.
Educators for Equity, Diversity, and Cultural Consciousness
Role or Purpose
As activists to the Faculty Senate, this subcommittee will disrupt the status quo by dismantling and eradicating inequities. We challenge others to be uncomfortable and do the transgressive work towards the shared goal of infusing equity and antiracism throughout our college. We will rebuild, critically question, challenge, engage, reexamine equitable praxis, and validate cultural agency of the entire Palomar College Community with particular attention towards serving students.
Engaging faculty on matters of cultural consciousness to include:
1.) Offer and sustain cultural conscious training programs, workshops, and activities.
2.) Advise faculty on matters of diversity, equity, and cultural consciousness.
3.) Identifying and developing opportunities for further implementation and integration of diversity, equity, inclusion and cultural consciousness in the classroom, curriculum and hiring.
4.) Consult with TERB on matters of faculty evaluation related to cultural consciousness.
5.) Report to the Faculty Senate and Superintendent/President on primacy issues pertaining to diversity, equity, and cultural consciousness.
Reporting Relationship: Faculty Senate
Term: Two years
Members: Co-Chair (Faculty Senator); other Co-Chair elected from committee members. Eight at-large faculty members elected by Faculty Senate; 1 CCE member appointed by CCE; 1 Student appointed by ASG.
Meetings: Two Fridays per month
Elections Committee
Role or Purpose
To poll faculty when directed by either the Senate. The Senate Elections Committee shall also
conduct all elections of Faculty officers or Senate members as well as members of other elected committees.
Reporting Relationship: Faculty Senate
Term: Two years
Faculty Members: Five faculty members determined by Committee Chair
Equivalency Committee
Role or Purpose
To review equivalencies to minimum qualifications for both contract and adjunct faculty and to make
recommendations to the Governing Board.
Reporting Relationship: Faculty Senate
Term: Two Years
Faculty Members: Five faculty members, one from each Instructional Division
All faculty members on the Committee must be full-time.
Faculty Advisory Board on Student Success Task Force Recommendations Committee
Role or Purpose
The Faculty Advisory Board on Student Success Task Force Recommendations will advise the Faculty Senate on implementation strategies for the Student Success Task Force Recommendations at Palomar College.
Promote dialogue, understanding, and oversee the consequent changes to Palomar College.
Reporting Relationship: Faculty Senate
Members: One faculty representative from each of the following:
- Basic Skills Committee
- Curriculum Committee
- Learning Outcomes Council
- Student Services Planning Council
Other members: VP of Instruction
Invited as needed: Faculty at large
Representation of constituencies such as Matriculation, Articulation, Counseling, Student Services, Financial Services, Research and Planning
Faculty Service Area Review Committee
Role or Purpose
The Faculty Service Area (FSA*) Review Committee is composed of an administrator with FSA responsibilities, seven Tenured or Probationary Faculty members (one from each of the five Instructional divisions, Library, and Student Services) appointed by the Faculty Senate, and one Faculty member appointed by the Palomar Faculty Federation (PFF). Every three years the committee reviews the faculty service areas and competencies for completeness and currency; further, the committee reviews applications for additional faculty service areas and issues of competence relating to reassignment
Reporting Relationship: Faculty Senate
Faculty Members: All faculty members on the Committee must be full-time.
Learning Outcomes Council
The Learning Outcomes Council, as the core working group, will facilitate the development of a college-wide discussion of the assessment of learning at Palomar College and will support departments and work areas as they develop their specific approaches to learning outcomes assessment cycles, consistent with the Principles of Assessment. The Council’s role and function will be refined and modified as the institutional initiative for the assessment of learning develops. The Learning Outcomes Council has the responsibility for performing the following duties as well as identifying additional tasks that will enhance and improve student learning and success.
- Create ongoing dialogue and encourage engagement of faculty and staff in the assessment of student learning.
- Identify systems for assessing learning outcomes developed at the course, program, and institutional level.
- Encourage and provide support for the collection, analysis, and distribution of assessment data.
- Based on evidence and feedback, support plans and strategies for improvement in student learning.
- Based on evidence and feedback, engage in ongoing review and revision of the institutional processes for assessment.
- Develop and implement institutional celebrations of learning successes.
- Increased awareness and involvement of the campus community in the Learning Outcomes Initiative.
- Conversation supported by reports to the campus community, Forums, the Council newsletter, website, and programs such as “Campus Explorations.”
- Information gathered from departments and work groups, describing their approaches to the assessment of learning outcomes developed at the course, program, and institutional level.
- Preservation of a culture of support for teaching.
- Advancement of Student Learning Outcome cycles at the course, program, and institutional levels.
Reporting Relationship
The Learning Outcomes Council reports weekly to the Faculty Senate, which in turn reports at the Governing Board meeting. In accordance with Palomar’s BP 2510, the Governing Board relies primarily upon the advice and judgment of the Faculty Senate on Academic and Professional Matters.
- Vice President, Instruction, Co-chair
- SLOAC Coordinators
Meeting Schedule: Fourth Thursday of the month from 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
- Assistant Faculty Coordinator (appointed by Faculty Senate)
- Seven Faculty Members representing divisions appointed by Faculty Senate
- Three Full-Time Faculty Members, at-large
- Two Part-Time Faculty Members, one Career and Technical, one academic
- Curriculum Committee representative
- Professional Development Coordinator
- President (ex-officio)
- Vice President for Instruction/Co-chair
- Vice President for Student Services
- One Instructional Dean
- Dean of Counseling Services
- Director of Institutional Research and Planning
- One Confidential and Supervisory Team Member appointed by CAST
- One Administrative Association Member appointed by AA
- One Classified Unit Employee appointed by CCE/AFT
- Supervisor, Evaluations and Records
- Student Representative(s)
Oversight Committee/Grant Funded Projects
Roles and Responsibilities
This committee will review grant funded projects subject to Senate approval and give its recommendation to the
Faculty Senate.
- Review grants
- Determine the long run liabilities that the college may incur when the grant money expires.
- Make recommendation to the Faculty Senate
Reporting Relationship: Faculty Senate
Term: Two Years
Grant writers must allow 3 – 4 weeks for Faculty Senate approval.
Personnel Standards & Practices Committee
Role or Purpose
The Personnel Standards & Practices Committee is concerned with the personnel standards and practices of faculty, staff, and administrators as these elements influence academic and professional matters. As directed by the Faculty Senate, this committee researches, reviews, and reports on the roles, responsibilities, and performance criteria of personnel, providing recommendations as necessary regarding specific projects and tasks.
Reporting Relationship: Faculty Senate
Professional Development Committee
Coordinator: Kelly Falcone
The Professional Development Review Board reviews all professional development contracts. The board determines whether all proposed activities of a staff member conform to section III.B of the Professional Development plan and notifies the staff member of its assessment. The board also reviews the evaluation that is part of the completion section of the contract form.
Reporting Relationship: Coordinator, Professional Development
- Coordinator, Professional Development (non-voting)
- One Senior Administrator
- Eight Faculty Members: one from each Instructional Division, one from Student Services Faculty, one from the Library, and one Adjunct Faculty
Professional Procedures Committee
Role or Purpose
The Professional Procedure Committee (PPC) is a committee of the Senate. The committee addresses, reviews, and makes recommendations to the Senate on the following:
- Academic Due Process policy and procedures.
- Alleged violations of the Ethic Codes by a Senator or a faculty member in his/her capacity as a Senator or as a faculty member appointed by the Senate to a reassigned faculty position. (Section 9 of the Constitution)
- Petitions submitted by 25% of the Faculty Senate membership. (Section 11 of the Constitution)
- Other issues regarding professional procedure as assigned by the Senate.
Reporting Relationship: Faculty Senate
Tenure and Evaluations Review Board
Coordinator: Lawrence Lawson
Role or Purpose
Will critically review all probationary evaluations that result in an overall rating of needs improvement or unsatisfactory in order to assure their compliance with the plan, in completeness, consistency, and substance. The decision of whether the report conforms to the plan will be determined by a majority vote of the Board. Will review the documentation and arguments provided by the candidate of compelling reasons to justify granting tenure without possession of a bachelor’s degree and will submit notification to the Governing Board of the rationale for the exception.
Term: 2 years
Faculty Members: Seven faculty members, one from each Instructional Division, one from Library or Student Services, one faculty member at large.
All faculty members on the Review Board must be tenured.
Other Members: Vice President, Instruction (or designee); PFF Representative
Tutoring Committee
The Tutoring Committee will improve and promote tutoring services offered at Palomar College.
- Promote dialogue, understanding, and response among the disciplines with tutoring needs.
- Research, implement, and refine tutor selection and training.
- Make recommendations to the Basic Skills Committee regarding tutoring procedures and needs at Palomar College.
- Update and maintain Tutoring Services website
- Integrated tutor training across the San Marcos campus and off-campus sites
- Annual renewal of CRLA (College Reading and Learning Association) certification
- Progress and needs reports to the Faculty Senate
- A college-wide report on the usage and effects of tutoring
- Effective marketing materials for students, faculty and staff to promote the use of tutoring
Reporting Relationship: Faculty Senate
Term: 2 years
Members: Faculty Representatives from the following areas, appointed by the Faculty Senate
Other Members:
- Chair is a Faculty member elected by the Committee
- Math Learning Center, Director or faculty designee
- Writing Center, Director or faculty designee
- ESL Tutoring Center, Coordinator, or faculty designee
- STAR Tutoring Center, Coordinator or designee
- TLC Escondido, Tutorial Specialist or designee
- TLC San Marcos, TLC Supervisor or designee
- Instruction, Languages and Literature, Dean
- STEM Center, Tutorial Specialist or designee
- Reading Services, Full-time faculty member appointed by department
- World Languages, Full-time faculty member appointed by department
- Business Administration, Full-time faculty member appointed by department
- Disability Resource Center, Full-time faculty member appointed by department
- CSIT, Full-time faculty member appointed by department
- Faculty Resource Coordinator or designee
- Veterans Services, Tutoring coordinator or designee
Workforce and Community Development Advisory Group
The advisory group will stay informed of all contract education courses, community service courses, and special programs that are offered through the Workforce and Community Development.
The advisory group, together with the Director of Workforce and Community Development and the Director of Occupational and Noncredit Programs, will ensure
- That the aforementioned courses do not inappropriately overlap academic and career technical credit and non/credit courses;
- That the aforementioned courses are of appropriately high quality and align with the mission of the college;
- That the advertising of the aforementioned courses is accurate and emphasizes that these courses do not count toward academic certificates, degrees, transfer, or any form of credit; and
- Make recommendations and generate ideas for new courses, and recommend faculty from Palomar to teach these courses.
Meeting Time: Annually or as needed