Welcome to Faculty Senate
Faculty Senate is the primary legislative and executive body representing the faculty on all Academic and Professional Matters, which include the governance and committee structure at Palomar College. By legislation, the Faculty Senate is represented on the Statewide Academic Senate and, through it, on the California Community College Board of Governors. Please see 10+1+1 for the role of the Faculty Senate, and AP2510 for the Palomar Governing Board description of Faculty Senate. Palomar Faculty Senate is committed to Anti-Racism, and we acknowledge the indigenous peoples of this land.
Faculty Senate meets every teaching Monday beginning in the Fall semester and then in the following Spring semester. We encourage you to join our weekly meetings which take place from 2:30-3:50pm PM in LRC-116. Faculty Senate meeting information. You can also attend on Zoom. Meeting ID: 891 5855 2107 Passcode: 365436
To submit an agenda item email Senate President Beth Pearson bpearson@palomar.edu
Faculty Senate is composed of Senators who are current faculty at Palomar College and serve a three-year term. Officers are selected from among current Senators.
Statement on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Faculty Senate supports the Educators for Equity, Diversity, and Cultural Consciousness Subcommittee (EEDCC) response to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Approved 11/27/2023.