Academic Honesty Process Guidelines

All students are responsible for upholding the principles of academic honesty. Incidents that involve suspected violations of these principles will be taken very seriously. Students found in violation of academic honesty principles may face, at the discretion of the faculty member, the assignment of a failing grade on the work in question or in the course itself. Faculty are strongly encouraged to submit an incident report to the Office of Student Life and Leadership for the alleged Code of Conduct violations, resulting in students facing possible suspension or expulsion from the college. (See the following policies: Board Policy 5500 and Administrative Procedure 5520.)

Faculty members are encouraged to include a statement related to academic honesty (such as the paragraph above) in their course materials, in particular on their course syllabi.

Descriptions of Academic Dishonesty


Plagiarism consists of either copying, paraphrasing, or summarizing another’s work without giving appropriate credit to the source and/or representing the product as one’s own work.


Cheating consists of obtaining or trying to obtain through dishonest means credit for academic work.

Examples include, but are not limited to, using unauthorized study aids (such as a graphing calculator when an instructor has prohibited its use, or another student’s paper or in-class examination); consulting material and/or using electronic devices not

authorized by the instructor during an exam; submitting the same essay or work to two different classes without explicit permission from the instructors; and allowing another person to do one’s work and then submitting the work under one’s own name.


Fabrication consists of presenting in a piece of work data not gathered in accordance with guidelines defining the appropriate methods for collecting or generating data and failing to include a substantially accurate account of the method by which the data were generated or collected.

Aiding and Abetting Dishonesty

Aiding and abetting dishonesty consists of providing material or information to another person with the understanding that these materials or information may be used improperly.