If you are taking classes on base or transporting someone to/from their class, you will need to request a Base Pass in order to access Camp Pendleton. You will not be able to access the base if you do not have sponsorship.
What do I need to know about Camp Pendleton Access?
You will be denied access to MCB Camp Pendleton if you meet any of the following disqualifying factors:
- Any current charge or conviction within the past 10 years of homicide, rape, armed robbery, adult sexual assault, child sexual assault, child pornography, felony drug possession, felony larceny/theft, human trafficking, arson, extortion, immigration violation.
- Engaged in actions or activities designed to overthrow the U.S. Government or a State Government by force.
- Identification in the Terrorist Screening Database, known gang member, known supremacist or extremist.
- Current arrest warrant, felony conviction within the past 10 years.
- Military personnel discharged with a bad conduct or dishonorable discharge, persons currently debarred from a military installation.
- Criminal arrest information presenting a potential threat to the good order, discipline, health, or safety of persons aboard MCB CAMPPEN.
- No valid driver’s license.
How do I apply for a Base Access Pass?
Please follow the instructions below to obtain your Base Pass. Keep in mind we cannot process pass requests more than 25 days before the semester begins. After the request is sent to Palomar, there is not a follow-up email until we send in the request to Base Access.
- Click HERE if you are a Palomar College Student or driver for a student who will need access to Camp Pendleton.
- Palomar College Camp Pendleton Center staff will verify and route your request to the Base Education Center. This request is sent once a week from our office.
- From there, please allow for up to 2 to 3 weeks for your request to be approved by the Camp Pendleton Visitor Center.
- After your pass has been requested, processed, and approved in the 2 to 3 week period, you will need to pick up your pass at the Camp Pendleton Visitor Center adjacent to the Main Gate near Interstate 5, Bldg. 20255T. You will need to bring the following with you in order to pick up your pass: proof of Driver’s License, Car Registration, and Car Insurance. Please do not attempt to pick up your pass before you have been notified by the Camp Pendleton campus staff that you have been approved.
- The Visitor’s Center is open Monday through Thursday from 7:30 AM to 2:00 PM (3:30 PM on non-busy days). It will take about an hour to obtain your pass, so please plan accordingly. The Visitor’s Center can be reached at (760)763-8435, please feel free to call them in advance to check the status of the office and your pass.
*Passes are only valid for dates enrolled. This process must be completed every Semester/Fast Track you attend classes on base. Please keep in mind that passes that are not picked up within a 25-day period will be expired, and individuals will have to apply for base access again.
Important Notices, Please Read!
- Driver’s Licenses and Identification cards marked “not valid for federal purposes“, “federal limits may apply“, or any other similar language may not be accepted by Department of Defense for the purpose of un-escorted access (i.e. to obtain a Visitor Pass).
- Non-U.S. Citizens who are not Permanent Residents of the U.S. may not be processed via the Sponsored Visitor Program. They are not eligible for un-escorted access and must be escorted in person by a Department of Defense Affiliate.
- Palomar College Camp Pendleton Staff cannot escort you or provide transportation services while you are waiting on your pass to be issued.
Additional information & an FAQ can be found at the following link: https://www.pendleton.marines.mil/Main-Menu/Base-Access/