COVID-19 Information & Resources

Continued Monitoring of COVID-19 Cases at all Locations

If you are not feeling well, please do not come to work or class and contact your supervisor or faculty member respectively.

  • If you have tested positive for COVID-19, please complete the COVID-19 Questionnaire.  A member of our COVID-19 Response Action Team (CRAT) will contact you.  The information you provide in the questionnaire is confidential.  The information you provide is received and reviewed by the COVID-19 Response Action Team. Your identifying information will not be shared with anyone outside of CRAT unless it is absolutely necessary to abide by Cal OSHA regulations.  Further, the questionnaire provides necessary information to the College to provide guidance and issue the required notifications should an exposure take place on District property as per the Cal OSHA COVID-19 Prevention Non-Emergency Regulations. 

PCR Testing for COVID-19, Flu A, Flu B and RSV is now available by same-day appointment at the following public health centers:

To schedule an appointment please call the number next to the location:

Use the links below to find a testing site near you:

Visit a community-based testing location, such as a pharmacy or health center near you.

  • These locations have low- or no-cost testing for everyone, including people without insurance.
  • They may offer PCR or antigen tests

Talk to a doctor or healthcare provider about other ways to get a test.
If you are a person with a disability, the Disability Information and Access Line can help you access a test or find a test location.
Call 2-1-1 for more information on where to find additional testing services.

Get Free COVID-19 Tests

Online Wellness Resources

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