About Prerequisites

Based on research on student success in psychology courses and in order to increase the likelihood that our students are positioned to succeed in their psychology courses, the discipline of psychology enforces all prerequisites.  More information about the enforcement process immediately follows the chart of courses and prerequisites. Please be aware that this is a discipline policy and individual faculty may not grant exceptions.

The college approved prerequisites for our classes are:



Psychology 205: Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences Completion of intermediate algebra or the equivalent, or eligibility or completion of PSYC/SOC 205, BUS 204, or any course between MATH 100 and MATH 245 (excluding MATH 197) based on multiple measures.
Psychology 210: Physiological Psychology Minimum grade of “C” in PSYC 100
Psychology 225: Abnormal Psychology Minimum grade of “C” in PSYC 100
Psychology 230: Research Methods in Psychology Minimum grade of “C” in PSYC 100 AND PSYC/SOC 205 AND ENG 100

Prerequisite verification is enforced at the time of registration for these classes.  You will be blocked from enrollment in these courses unless your computer records indicate successful completion of the prerequisite course work.

For All Courses with a Psyc 100 prerequisite (Psyc 210, Psyc 225, and Psyc 230):

You must have completed (with a C or better) an Introductory to Psychology course that is comparable to the Psyc 100 class offered at Palomar College. We will also accept a score of 3 or better on the AP Psychology Test.

Submit your transcript evidence to the Evaluations Office within the Admissions & Records Office. This should be done before attempting to enroll in the course, at least 3 business days prior to your registration appointment date. “Prerequisite Evaluation Request” forms are available in the Evaluations Office, Student Services Center-40 (link to the appropriate webpage). For more information, contact the Evaluations Office at 760-744-1150, x2165, or at evaluations@palomar.edu.

Alternatively, you may submit your official transcripts from another institution to the Student Records Office, and then meet with a Counselor to submit a “Course Evaluation Request” form to the Evaluations Office.

For Psychology 230:

Psyc 230 (Research Methods in Psychology) has 3 prerequisites. You must have received a C or better in

1. PSYC 100 – In addition to an Introductory to Psychology course that is comparable to Palomar’s Psyc 100 class, we will accept a score of 3 or better on the AP Psychology Test.

2. PSYC 205 – Please note that Psyc/Soc 205 must have been completed BEFORE you take Psyc 230.

3. ENG 100 – To demonstrate you completed English 100, you may have completed any of the following:

  1. Transcript from Palomar College showing you have passed English 100 with a C or better
  2. Transcript from another college showing you passed the equivalent of English 100 with a C or better
  3. Results of College Board AP Literature and Composition score of 3, 4, or 5
  4. SAT English/Critical Reading score of 500 or above
  5. ACT English/Critical Reading score of 22 or above

To Demonstrate Eligibility for Psyc 230:

If you are a new or transfer student, it is important that you update your records with the Palomar College system. If you are unsure which course Palomar does not have record of you completing, please call the Evaluations office (760-744-1150 ext. 2165)

If you need to submit evidence of Eng 100 or Psyc/Soc 205:

Submit your documents to the Assessment Office. For more information, visit https://www.palomar.edu/assessment/sample-page/

Previous college coursework, prior college assessments, or prior test scores may be sent as follows:

  1. Email the document (official or unofficial transcript, test documentation) to assessment@palomar.edu
  2. Fax the document (official or unofficial transcript, test documentation) to (760) 591-0482
  3. Bring the document (official or unofficial transcript, test documentation) to the San Marcos Assessment Center located in SU-1 (Student Union)

Please be sure to include the following:

  1. Student Name
  2. Palomar College Student Identification Number
  3. Current Contact Phone Number

If you need to submit evidence of Psyc 100:

Submit your transcript evidence to the Evaluations Office within the Admissions & Records Office. This should be done before attempting to enroll in the course, at least 3 business days prior to your registration appointment date. “Prerequisite Evaluation Request” forms are available in the Evaluations Office, Student Services Center-40 or at the following link https://www.palomar.edu/evaluationsandrecords/wp-content/uploads/sites/96/2015/06/Requisiteclearance.pdf. For more information, contact the Evaluations Office at 760-744-1150, x2165, or at evaluations@palomar.edu.

Alternatively, you may submit your official transcripts from another institution to the Student Records Office, and then meet with a Counselor to submit a “Course Evaluation Request” form to the Evaluations Office.

To make an appointment to take the assessment test, please contact the assessment office. Appointments fill quickly and testing typically begins the semester before you wish to enroll, so don’t delay: https://www.palomar.edu/counseling/assessment/appointments.htm

For information about challenging a prerequisite please refer to the college policy below and found at this link: https://www.palomar.edu/enrollmentservices/files/2015/07/Req-Chal-Pet-2015-06-24.pdf

A prerequisite or corequisite challenge requires written documentation, explanation of alternative course work, background, abilities, or other evidence which has adequately prepared the student for the target course.

If space is available in the target course when a student files a challenge to the prerequisite or corequisite, the College shall reserve a seat for the student and resolve the formal, written challenge within five business days. If the challenge is upheld, or the College fails to resolve the challenge within the five business day period, the student shall be allowed to enroll in the course. If no space is available in the course when a challenge is filed,the challenge shall be resolved prior to the beginning of registration for the next term and, if the challenge is upheld, the student shall be permitted to enroll if space is available when the student registers for that subsequent term.

Questions? Contact Netta Schroer at 760.744.1150 x2339 or nschroer@palomar.edu

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