Table of Contents
As a student in psychology, the following pages may help you with some of your courses:
General Psychology
Discovering Psychology: A series of professionally-done videos on numerous topics in psychology.
College Success
How to Effectively Study: This resource hosted by UCSD describes research-based methods of studying more efficiently. It’s not always about finding more time to study, but HOW you study that matters.
How to Get the Most Out of Studying: This series of brief videos by cognitive psychologist, Dr. Stephen Chew of Samford University provides great, evidence based tips on how to study. Well worth the time to watch!
APA Style and Understanding Science Writing
APA Format: Purdue University’s OWL writing lab. Provides excellent help with APA style.
How to Read and Understand Science Papers
Writing Research Papers: Another resources hosted by UCSD on how to write quality research papers. Great for Psy 230 or really any class where science writing is needed.
Research Databases
Palomar’s Research Databases for the Social Sciences: This link will take you to Palomar Library’s web page listing research databases for the social sciences. These will serve as a great starting point for class papers.
PubMed: A database containing the vast majority scientific papers in the life sciences and biomed fields. A good deal, but not all, psychology research is contained here.
Statistics Help: David M. Lane has some great, easy to digest (well, relatively easy – it is still statistics!) primers on the majority of content you’ll encounter in your Behavioral Statistics course.
UCLA’s SPSS Tutorial: Some great information for learning to use SPSS, one of the most commonly used statistics programs around.
Statistics Hell-p: A tongue-in-cheek statistics resources for those who find statistics the work of evil! Feel free to explore. The site can seem a little disorganized, but there is some great stuff in there.
G*Power Guide: An online resource for conducting power analyses in research using a downloadable program called “G*Power” (there is a link to the software on this site).
Research Methods
Research Methods Knowledge Base: A great overview of the major topics (including examples, definitions, etc.) covered in most Research Methods classes, including info on statistical analysis.