Audio Visual / Information Services
If you require additional support from Information Services such as microphones (handheld, lapel, podium), computer, large screen monitor or aux cables, please submit the Audio Visual Events Equipment Request Form. The form must be completed 2 weeks prior to the event. If your event is after hours, an overtime charge may be required. If you need to use a District computer to access the projector screen, please email for a temporary username and password once your event has been approved.
If you need parking for visitors, please submit the Planned Event Parking Application to the Palomar College Police Department (PCPD). PCPD will authorized special “planned event parking permits” (visitor passes) only when an application is received, processed and approved 3 weeks prior to the event.
The District has contracted with California Dining Services (CDS) for food services. CDS has the first right of refusal for all catering for groups larger than 10 people that occur during food service operating hours. Please visit the Food Services website for information, hours and to download the catering request form. If CDS is unable to fulfil the catering request, you may use an outside food vendor, such as an external caterer or food truck. Prior to using an outside food vendor, contact Purchasing for the steps to follow before making these arrangements. For external groups (outside of the college) using Palomar facilities, the use of CDS for catering services is encouraged, but is not required.
If you’ve been approved for an external caterer to be on campus and they need to drive on the sidewalks or park on the campus sidewalks, please submit the Vehicle Access on Sidewalks Request Form. Please also use this form if your event will require non-catering vehicles to drive/park on the campus sidewalks.