Career Counseling is available to assist undecided students get focused on their short and long term career goals. Career Counseling is available in the Career Center and in General Counseling. Career counseling includes the following services:
- Career choice/change guidance
- Exploration of labor market information
- Resume review
- Review of career related assessments (interests, values, skills, personality, etc.)
Career Center Services in SU-17 also include the following:
- Individual career counseling
- Career Search course (Counseling 165)
- Career workshops
- Career assessments
- Career search databases
- Job announcement information
- Job Placement Assistance
- Resume and cover letter reviews
- Online resume tutorial
- Mock interviews
- Labor market information
- Internship information
- Career events
For more information, see the Career Center website or call (760) 744-1150 x2194.