Academic counseling is just one of the services provided. Academic counseling includes the following:
- Education planning (planning which courses to take)
Speak with a counselor regarding any academic planning issues which may arise during your time at Palomar College. Counselors can assist you with creating a semester by semester education plan to achieve your goals.
- Career exploration
Deciding on a career can be confusing and frustrating. You may feel pressure to immediately pick a career in order to know what path to take. Nevertheless, the career exploration process often takes time. Counselors can assist you through this process.
- Deciding on your program/major
Counselors offer guidance to students who are uncertain of their major but know their career interests. You are encouraged to explore your options with the guidance of counselors.
- Transfer planning for UC, CSU, Private and Out-of-State
You will learn how to successfully transfer to a university. You will receive assistance in researching and choosing the right university based on your individual needs.
- Identifying additional support services and resources
Palomar offers resources for your success and your support. Counselors can refer you to the appropriate resource to assist you such as tutoring, first-year experience programs, or financial aid.