FAQs – Warehouse

Can the warehouse store items for campus departments?
Unfortunately, the Warehouse does not have space to store items for departments beyond a few days.  

Who is responsible for moving/transferring furniture on campus?
The Facilities Department is responsible for all moves and transfers on campus. 

Who do we contact for surplus pick-up?
You must first fill out a Surplus Inventory Request Form.  The completed form (with all necessary signatures) should then be forwarded to the Pai Wang-Smith (pwang-smith@palomar.edu) in Fiscal Services, with a copy to Surplus@palomar.edu.  
Note: The IS Department must deprogram computers/tablets before a surplus form is submitted.  Surplus items will be picked up by Warehouse Services as soon as possible as staff is available to do so.  Often due to limited storage at the District, there is a wait time before this can take place.

Surplus items are sold via online auction through the District’s CalAuctions online bidding platform.  Auctions take place intermittently throughout the year.  All items are sold to the highest responsible/responsive bidder.

Questions?  Reach out to Amber Cross, Purchasing Supervisor (across@palomar.edu) or Ann Jensen, Director of Business Services (ajensen@palomar.edu).