Ceramics faculty member Sasha Koozel Reibstein has a show at the Quint Gallery in La Jolla. The show is titled “Are you OK in the Dark” and features her recent work examining transformation and the sublime. The show runs until March 5th and there is an artist talk Feb 26th at 11:30. For more details visit the Quint Gallery website.
Palomar Arts Media Lab
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Contact Information
Arts Media Lab
Palomar College, San Marcos Campus Location: C-13 1140 W. Mission Road, San Marcos, CA 92069
Janet Parrish-McCann
assistant Email: jparrish-mccann@palomar.edu Phone: (760) 744-1150, ext. 2313
Hours of Operation
Use of computers and art library
Wednesday and Thursday: 10am- 4pm