Use the following resources below to find streaming Art videos
Streaming Art Videos provided by Palomar College
Films on Demand (login to the portal may be required) offered from Palomar College Library
includes full length films and clips. A search for Art on the Films on Demand site retrieves over 50,000 results that can be refined by discipline or category. Below are links to streaming video lists of some popular art topics
- All Art videos
- Ceramics Videos
- Sculpture Videos
- Glassblowing Videos
- Stained Glass Videos
- Art 21 Full Videos
- Craft Videos
PBS Art Videos (login to the portal may be required) offered from Palomar College Library
Craft in America This program explores the history and significance of the craft movement in the United States.
American Masters is a PBS television series which produces biographies on enduring writers, musicians, visual and performing artists, dramatists, filmmakers, and those who have left an indelible impression on the cultural landscape of the United States.
Other online resources for Art Videos
Art21 Videos
Art21 provides access to the artist’s voice to audiences around the world, using the power of digital media to introduce millions of people to contemporary art and artists.
Museum of the Moving Image – Moving Image Source Research Guide
Moving Image Source Research Guide is a gateway to various online film, television, and digital media resources.
Library of Congress Digital Collections
A source for public domain image resources, as well as audio, video, and archived Web content.
Moving Image Resource Center (Library of Congress)
The Library’s Digital Collections web page hosts several hundred early motion pictures
American Archive of Public Broadcasting
Historic programs of publicly funded radio and television across America. Contains thousands of original PBS and NPR broadcasts from the mid-20th century to present.
Ubu Web
Streams art clips and avant-garde artists’ videos.
Prelinger Archives (via
Over 2000 films including stock footage, old commercials, and other materials. Freely available for download and reuse under the Creative Commons license.
Created by artist and filmmaker Lynn Hershman Leeson over the last two decades (1990-2008) as she developed her groundbreaking documentary,!Women Art Revolution, this archive provides the first-person histories of the pioneering individuals who challenged the ways in which women were considered by the reigning art establishment. Videos, transcripts, and biographies on the interviewees as well as links to the Women Art Revolution collection finding aid, information on the documentary !Women Art Revolution, and other feminist studies are on the site
Google Videos: Advanced Video Search
Use the advanced search feature to look for open access/public domain videos under domain names .edu and .org
National Screening Room
Showcases the Library of Congress’ vast moving image collection, designed to make otherwise unavailable movies, both copyrighted and in the public domain, freely accessible to the viewers worldwide. Offers a broad range of historical and cultural content.