UK Affirms that Photographs of Public Domain Art Are Fair Use

A recent article by Allison Meier talks about the decision as to whether high quality photographs of artwork in the public domain can and should be considered fair use.  Here is a link to the article:

Lorenzo Lotto, "Portrait of a Woman inspired by Lucretia" (16th century), oil on canvas. (via National Gallery/Wikimedia). The image on Wikimedia through the Google Cultural Institute is one of the high resolution images of public domain art protected against new copyright.

 Lorenzo Lotto, “Portrait of a Woman inspired by Lucretia” (16th century), oil on canvas. (via National Gallery/Wikimedia). The image on Wikimedia through the Google Cultural Institute is one of the high resolution images of public domain art protected against new copyright.

How to Photograph 3/d Artwork

Otis College Faculty Chris Warner demonstrates how to Digitally Photograph your own Three-Dimensional Art, specifically, sculpture in both artificial and natural light settings. He takes the viewer carefully step by step through the procedure so that artists can make the best possible representation of their own art. These images can then be used to upload onto personal electronic portfolios suitable for potential clients or galleries.