Field Trip Guidelines
A Single-Day Field Trip is held in lieu of a single class meeting or as a supplement to regular class meetings. It may involve domestic or international travel. Students may
not be required to attend a single-day field trip unless such request is noted in the syllabus. This form is not required for an on-campus trip (i.e., trip to Library, Boehm Gallery, etc.) and when the class meets at the same time as scheduled.
Governing Board Policies and Procedures
As the instructor, it is your responsibility to be familiar with single-day field trip regulations as found in Governing Board policy and procedures. Only students registered in the class may
participate in single-day field trips. This form must be received by your Division Dean at least two weeks prior to the proposed trip. International Single-Day Field Trip requests, which require Palomar College Governing Board approval, must be submitted at least five weeks prior to the proposed trip.