June 16th Chief Moore attended a webinar on Allies for Deafhood.
On July 21, 2022, the Los Angeles Museum of Tolerance traveled to Palomar College to present a workshop on Hate Crime Awareness for First Responders. Palomar Campus Police Department (PCPD) invited officers from Southwestern College, MiraCosta College, Cal State San Marcos, San Diego Sheriff’s Department, and Escondido Police Department.
On July 22, 2022, Chief Moore attended the Transitions/Rising Scholars program.
From August 2 – 4, 2022, Chief Moore attended the Campus Safety Conference in Los Angeles. The various breakout sessions explored technology to aid in threat assessments and various protection themes for campuses.
During the week of August 8, Officer Jesus Montes attended the annual conference of Threat Assessment Professionals. The conference provides case studies on threats to public institutions and skills to responds to targeted threats of violence to students, staff, and faculty.
On August 15, 2022, Chief Moore met with the Acting Chief Diversity Officer, Carmelino Cruz, to share updates on progress made on DEIAA objectives, and provide in depth content to questions provided on the number of people attending training and hours.
On August 18, 2022, member of the department viewed a Critical Race Theory and Restorative Justice Webinar. PCPD employees also completed “Beyond Bias” training offered by our accrediting agency, State of California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (CAPOST). The content included protected classes, LGBTQ+ engagement, equal treatment, and the historical role of police in communities of color.
On September 14, 2022, PCPD hosted Coffee with a Cop at the Escondido Education Center. Nearly 200 students from English as a Second Language (ESL), Air Conditioning and Heating, and Emergency Medical Education programs attended. The event was featured on PCPD social media page.
In support of the Dr. Rivera-Lacey’s Summer of Safety initiative, PCPD facilitated over one dozen safety presentations to workgroups on campus to include admissions, counseling, international students, behavioral health, counseling and plenary.
On September 13, 2022, Chief Moore toured One Safe Place, the North County Justice Center. The District Attorney’s office has created a “one stop shop” for persons in crisis due to domestic violence, human trafficking or child abuse. It will allow PCPD to enhance services offered to these victims. Officers are scheduled to tour the facility on October 13. This partnership was showcased on social media.
Chief Moore serves on the Employee Community and Communication Council as well as Behavioral Health and Wellness.
Campus Police Committee held its first meeting on September 28, 2022. Over twelve staff from CCE, CAST and Faculty attended remotely to share concerns.
In 2022, Campus Police officers and staff have completed over 30 hours each, in the areas of mental health, hate crime investigation, de-escalation and bias. The CAPOST requirement for peace officers is 2 hours every 2 years.
Campus Police was selected by Ford Motor Company for their 2023 Police Fleet Calendar. This national publication will feature Latino/Latina representation of PCPD.
- Complete CAPOST Principled Policing class that was postponed by Cal State Long Beach in order to update curriculum. This class is set for September 2022.
- Chief Moore to attend Musuem of Tolerance Command School in October.
- Tour of One Safe Place for campus police officers
- Hire two additional police dispatchers