Course Descriptions


Any student wishing to earn an A.A. degree must complete ENG 100
with a grade of ‘C’ or better. Multiple Measures will indicate whether
the student is eligible for: English 100 plus English 49, taken
at the same time; ENG 100; or ENG 202 or 203. For more information
about recommended placement in English Composition courses, please
contact the Assessment Center, (760) 744-1150, ext. 2476.

Please note: Students whose first language is not English may want to
register for ESL instruction prior to taking English 100 or English 100W.
The ESL placement process will determine which ESL classes are appropriate.
Students may take one or more ESL classes prior to English 100 including
transferrable ESL courses such as ESL 101-103 and accelerated courses
ESL 105 & 106. Nonresident international students may be required to take
one or more of these English as a Second Language courses. Please contact
the ESL Department at (760) 744-1150, ext. 2280. ​​

ENG 49 Reading and Writing for College Composition (2)
2 hours lecture
Corequisite: ENG 100

English 49 offers support for students enrolled in English 100.
Instruction will cover academic reading, reasoning, and writing
expected for transfer and associate-degree courses. Students will
read a variety of texts, review rules of grammar and essay form,
and practice essay-writing​​.

English 100 English Composition (4)
4 hours lecture
Prerequisite: Eligibility for English 100, as determined through the English placement process..
Note: May not be taken for Pass/No Pass grading
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
Practice in expository and argumentative writing based on analytical reading and
critical thinking. Topics include methods of invention, organization and development,
principles of basic research, and the elements of style.

ENG 135 Introduction to Creative Writing (4)
4 hours lecture
Prerequisite: Eligibility for English 100 or ESL 110, as determined through the English or the English as a Second Language (ESL) placement process.
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
Provides practice, instruction, and analytical research in writing fiction and poetry.
Students submit both creative and analytical writing which will be presented for
workshop discussion and critique. Lectures present a variety of prose and verse

ENG 136 Intermediate Creative Writing (4)
4 hours lecture
Prerequisite: Eligibility for English 100 or ESL 110, as determined through the English or the English as a Second Language (ESL) placement process.
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
Provides practice, instruction, and analytical research in writing fiction and poetry.
Students submit both creative and analytical writing which will be presented for
workshop discussion and critique. Lectures present a variety of prose and verse

ENG 137 The Literary Magazine: History and Production (4)
2 hours lecture – 6 hours laboratory
Recommended preparation: Eligibility for English 100 or ESL 110, as determined through the English or the English as a Second Language (ESL) placement process.
Transfer acceptability: CSU
Offered every Spring Semester
Historical examination of the genre of the literary magazine from the 18th century
to the present, with an emphasis on the late 20th century. Also, after selecting
and editing material for Palomar College’s literary journal, Bravura, students
will structure, format, produce, and distribute the magazine.

ENG 150 Introduction to Linguistics (3)
3 hours lecture
Prerequisite: Eligibility for English 100 or ESL 110, as determined through the English or the English as a Second Language (ESL) placement process.
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
Offered every Fall Semester
An introduction to the principles and practices of modern language study.
Examines the origins and development of language, its social uses and implications,
and its structure.

ENG 202 Critical Thinking and Composition (4)
4 hours lecture
Prerequisite: A minimum grade of ‘C’ in ENG 100
Note: May not be taken for Pass/No Pass grading
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
Provides instruction and practice in methods of critical thinking and formal composition,
emphasizing the following: awareness of language and its implications
through rhetorical and semiotic analysis based on systematic consideration of language
in context; awareness of principles of classical argument in light of the traditions
of rational thought. Students will be required to engage in both traditional
and current methods of research through the use of information technology.

ENG 203 Critical Thinking and Composition
Through Literature (4)
4 hours lecture
Prerequisite: A minimum grade of ‘C’ in ENG 100
Note: May not be taken for Pass/No Pass grading
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
Practice in writing essays about literature with emphasis on critical thinking, reading,
and writing skills; principles of inductive and deductive reasoning; the relationship
of language to logic; analysis, criticism, and advocation of ideas; methods of
research; advanced elements of style and organization.

ENG 205 Introduction to Literature (3)
3 hours lecture
Prerequisite: A minimum grade of ‘C’ in ENG 100
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
Offered every semester
An introduction to fiction, poetry, drama, and other genres in literary form.
Students will read and discuss assigned selections from various literary genres
and examine themes, language, forms, techniques, and other strategies that
influence the production and reception of literature.

ENG 210 Survey of British Literature I (3)
3 hours lecture
Prerequisite: Eligibility for English 100 or ESL 110, as determined through the English or the English as a Second Language (ESL) placement process.
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
Offered every Fall Semester
A study of the significant texts in British literature from the Middle Ages to the
Eighteenth Century; considers a variety of authors, literary genres and trends, as
well the historical and cultural contexts of the literary texts.

ENG 211 Survey of British Literature II (3)
3 hours lecture
Prerequisite: Eligibility for English 100 or ESL 110, as determined through the English or the English as a Second Language (ESL) placement process.
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
Offered every Spring Semester
A study of significant texts in British literature from the Romantic period to the
present. Considers a variety of authors, literary genres and trends, as well as the
historical and cultural contexts of the literary texts.

ENG 215 Introduction to the British Novel (3)

3 hours lecture
Prerequisite: Eligibility for English 100 or ESL 110, as determined through the English or the English as a Second Language (ESL) placement process.
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
A study of the British novel through reading such writers as Aphra Behn,
Daniel Defoe, Laurence Sterne, Samuel Richardson, Fanny Burney, Jane Austen,
Mary Shelley, Charlotte Bronte, Emily Bronte, Wilkie Collins, Charles Dickens,
George Eliot, Thomas Hardy, Joseph Conrad, Virginia Woolf, James Joyce, Jean
Rhys, Chinua Achebe, Salman Rushdie.

ENG 220 Survey of World Literature I (3)
3 hours lecture
Prerequisite: Eligibility for English 100 or ESL 110, as determined through the English or the English as a Second Language (ESL) placement process.
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
Offered every Fall Semester
A survey of the major literature of Africa, the Americas, Asia and Europe from
ancient times to about 1600. A comparative study of literary themes and expression
will be pursued.

ENG 221 Survey of World Literature II (3)
3 hours lecture
Prerequisite: Eligibility for English 100 or ESL 110, as determined through the English or the English as a Second Language (ESL) placement process.
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
Offered every Spring Semester
A survey of the major literatures of Europe, Asia, the Americas, Africa, and Australia
from about 1600 to the present. A comparative study of literary themes and
influences will be pursued.

ENG 225 Literature of the United States I (3)
3 hours lecture
Prerequisite: Eligibility for English 100 or ESL 110, as determined through the English or the English as a Second Language (ESL) placement process.
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
Offered every Fall Semester
Significant texts written in the territories that would become the United States,
from the pre-colonial period to the Civil War; considers a variety of literary
genres and trends, with a focus on such issues as the interaction of texts and
history, the expansion and politics of the literary canon, and the influence of
the cultural contexts in which the literature of the United States is written and

ENG 226 Literature of the United States II (3)
3 hours lecture
Prerequisite: Eligibility for English 100 or ESL 110, as determined through the English or the English as a Second Language (ESL) placement process.
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
Offered every Spring Semester
Significant texts written in the United States from the Civil War to the present;
considers a variety of literary genres and trends, with a focus on such issues as
the interaction of texts and history, the expansion and politics of the literary
canon, and the influence of the cultural contexts in which the literature of the
United States is written and interpreted.

ENG 230 Introduction to the American Novel (3)
3 hours lecture
Prerequisite: Eligibility for English 100 or ESL 110, as determined through the English or the English as a Second Language (ESL) placement process.
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
A study of the development of the American novel through reading such writers
as Nathaniel Hawthorne, Louisa May Alcott, Herman Melville, Mark Twain, Henry
James, Elizabeth Stewart Phelps, Kate Chopin, William Faulkner, Ernest Hemingway,
Nella Larsen, Bernard Malamud, Zora Neale Hurston, Willa Cather, Ralph
Ellison, Thomas Pynchon, Toni Morrison, Maxine Hong Kingston, Louise Erdrich,
and James Baldwin.

ENG 240 Introduction to Classical Mythology (3)

3 hours lecture
Prerequisite: Eligibility for English 100 or ESL 110, as determined through the English or the English as a Second Language (ESL) placement process.
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
A study of the meaning and function of myth in the classical literature of Ancient
Greece and Rome. Read translations of representative epic, poetic, and dramatic
literature of Hesiod, Homer, Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, Aristophanes, Vergil,
and Ovid. An examination of the cultures which helped shape the literature and
values with us today.

ENG 245 Survey of Biblical Literature (3)

3 hours lecture
Prerequisite: Eligibility for English 100 or ESL 110, as determined through the English or the English as a Second Language (ESL) placement process.
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
An introduction to the study of the Bible in English as an anthology of literary
types and genres: stories, poetry, proverbs, gospels, parables, epistles, satire, and
visionary literature.

ENG 250 Introduction to Shakespeare (3)
3 hours lecture
Prerequisite: Eligibility for English 100 or ESL 110, as determined through the English or the English as a Second Language (ESL) placement process.
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
Offered every Spring Semester
Introduction to the life, times, background, poems, and plays of William

ENG 255 Literature and Ideas (3)
3 hours lecture
Prerequisite: Eligibility for English 100 or ESL 110, as determined through the English or the English as a Second Language (ESL) placement process.
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
An introduction to selected major philosophical ideas, questions, and attitudes
in significant literature of the world, from the ancient world to the present. The
course will trace treatment of a thematic idea through literature of particular
times and cultures. Recommended for English and Philosophy majors, and for
those interested in broadening their background in the humanities.

ENG 260 Literature Through Film (3)
3 hours lecture
Prerequisite: Eligibility for English 100 or ESL 110, as determined through the English or the English as a Second Language (ESL) placement process.
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
Analysis of the expectations and conventions used in literature — novels, short
stories, dramas — and how those expectations and conventions are affected when
they are translated into film. Critical analysis of the various works and comparison/contrast
of the different interpretations of these ideas will be stressed.

ENG 265 Science Fiction (3)

3 hour lecture
Prerequisite: Eligibility for English 100 or ESL 110, as determined through the English or the English as a Second Language (ESL) placement process.
Note: Graded only
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
An introduction to science fiction – its major authors and stories, themes, trends,
and cultural impact.

ENG 270 Popular Literature (3)
3 hours lecture
Prerequisite: Eligibility for English 100 or ESL 110, as determined through the English or the English as a Second Language (ESL) placement process.
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
An introduction to one genre of popular literature such as science fiction, fantasy,
detective fiction, war fiction, humor, or western literature using short stories and
novels, and how these works are affected by the expectations, and conventions of
the genre in which the author is writing.

ENG 280 Women and Literature (3)
3 hours lecture
Prerequisite: Eligibility for English 100 or ESL 110, as determined through the English or the English as a Second Language (ESL) placement process.
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
Offered every Fall Semester of Even Years
Examines from a multicultural perspective women’s relationship to literature.
Examines what it means to be a “woman” writer, exploring historical and cultural
conditions that have shaped women’s relationship to literature. Explores gender
stereotypes in literature by and about women and analyzes the ways in which
women writers engage with, resist, and/or subvert dominant ideas about gender
in literature.

ENG 290 Comic Books as Literature (3)
3 hours lecture
Prerequisite: Eligibility for English 100 or ESL 110, as determined through the English or the English as a Second Language (ESL) placement process.
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
An analysis of the comic book in terms of its unique poetics (the complicated
interplay of word and image); the themes that are suggested in various works;
the history and development of the form and its subgenres; and the expectations
of comic book readers. Examines the influence of history, culture, and economics
on comic book artists and writers. Explores definitions of “literature,” how
these definitions apply to comic books, and the tensions that arise from such

HUM 100 Introduction to Humanities I (3)
3 hours lecture
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
Offered every Fall Semester
Examines significant movements and developments in literature and other arts in
Western culture from classical times to the late Middle Ages. Emphasis is on ideas
and their realization in works of art.

HUM 101 Introduction to Humanities II (3)
3 hours lecture
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
Offered every Spring Semester
A general survey of the fine arts in the Western world. Arranged chronologically
rather than thematically, the course material includes consideration of the major
achievements of Western culture from the Renaissance until the present.