How to Find Your English & Math Placement
If you need help finding your English and/or Math placement, please take a look at THIS VIDEO.
Recommended English Courses
Your success in our English classes is our ultimate goal! Most incoming Palomar College students are placed into English 100/English Composition, which is our transfer-level composition course. English 100 offers instruction in writing college-level essays, using MLA format, and doing research. Taking this class during your first year at Palomar will ensure you do well in all of your college classes since most of them require essay-writing.
If you feel like you need extra practice with your writing and grammar skills, our English 49 + English 100 combination class will set you up for success! You’ll be taking both classes with the same instructor in what is called a co-requisite model to make sure you get individualized feedback on your work. When you register for English 49 + 100, be sure to look for the link icon to ensure that you’re enrolling in the two classes that belong together.
English 202/Critical Thinking through Composition or English 203/Critical Thinking and Composition through Literature is taken after you complete English 100, and they offer instruction in writing longer, more analytical essays. Eng 202 focuses on reading non-fiction texts, whereas Eng 203 focuses on reading literature and fiction. If you have passed the Advanced Placement (AP) exam, then you can start in either English 202 or English 203 (and not start in English 100).
If your first language is not English, you may want to start with ESL classes. ESL classes provide cultural knowledge and language skills to be successful in college and society. Palomar College offers high-level ESL classes that can transfer to CSU and UC for general education units. Please contact us for help deciding whether ESL or English classes are the best fit for you!
Recommended Classes Based on Placement
If your recommended placement in eServices is English 100, you should register for our 4-unit college-level (transferable) English 100 course in College Composition. Be prepared to work hard and participate fully in this learning opportunity.
If your recommended placement in eServices is English 49, you should register for our 6-unit course combination of English 49 (2 units) and English 100 (4 units). These linked courses, taken together, will offer the extra preparation needed for you to strengthen your skills in order to succeed in transfer-level English. You will register for English 49 (2 units), and you’ll be required to take the linked section of English 100 (4 units) at the same time and with the same instructor. This will allow you (when you pass with a C or better) to complete English 100 in your first year. Be ready to work hard, be serious, and move forward! Passing these courses will satisfy the ENG 100 requirement.
If your recommended placement in eServices is English 202 or 203, then you’re ready for Advanced Composition and Critical Thinking, and you’re probably planning to transfer! Check with your target university for guidance because some prefer one of these courses over the other. English 202 engages a wide range of texts, and English 203 does the same, but with a specific focus on literature.
Additional Information
Ultimately, any student wishing to earn an A.A. degree must complete ENG 100 with a grade of ‘C’ or better.
How to Enroll in an English 100 & English 49 Combo Class
This three-minute video shows you how to add linked English 100 and English 49 classes to your schedule:
Questions About Your Recommended Placement?
Call the Assessment Center at (760) 744-1150, ext. 2476, 2383, or 2182.
If you’d like to know more about the legislation that has prompted this state-wide approach to access and placement, please refer to the AB 705 implementation web page at