Real Estate

Congratulations on taking the first steps towards a rewarding career in California real estate!  Whether you aspire to be a Real Estate Salesperson, Real Estate Broker, or Real Estate Appraiser, Palomar College offers the pre-licensing courses you need to qualify for the licensing exam.


Before you begin, take a moment to make sure you meet the licensing eligibility requirements.

  • You must be at least 18 years old to receive a real estate license.
  • If you live outside of California, there are additional documents you must file to be eligible.
  • If you have a serious criminal conviction, you should check with the Department of Real Estate to ensure you qualify.
  • Both the California Broker’s License and the California Appraisal Licenses (beyond Trainee) require work experience:
    • Broker’s licensees must have a minimum of two years’ full-time licensed salesperson experience within the last five years or the equivalent.
    • Trainee appraisers are required to accrue a minimum of 2,000 hours of experience over a period of at least one year. This experience must be under the supervision of a certified appraiser.


I. California Real Estate Salesperson License

The education prerequisites to take the Salesperson exam are as follows:

  1. Real Estate Principles (RE 100)
  2. Real Estate Practice (RE 115)
  3. One real estate elective

All of our other real estate courses qualify as an elective with the Department of Real Estate.  These courses comprise our Certificate of Proficiency in Real Estate Salesperson Preparation.

II. California Real Estate Broker’s License

The education prerequisites to take the Broker’s exam are as follows:

  1. Real Estate Practice (RE 115)
  2. Legal Aspects of Real Estate (RE 120)
  3. Real Estate Finance (RE 105)
  4. Real Estate Appraisal (RE 110)
  5. Real Estate Economics or Accounting (ACCT 201)
  6. Three courses from the following list:
    • Real Estate Principles (Re 100)
    • Business Law (BUS 117)
    • Property Management (RE 140)
    • Advanced Real Estate Appraisal (RE 111)

These courses are included in our Associate of Science in Real Estate Broker License Preparation degree.

III. California Real Estate Appraisal License

The 150 hours of pre-licensing education required for a California Appraiser Trainee License is included in our Real Estate Appraisal License Certificate of Proficiency.  This includes:

  1. Real Estate Principles (Re 111)
  2. Real Estate Appraisal (RE 110)
  3. Advanced Real Estate Appraisal (RE 111)*
  4. Residential Appraisal (RE 150)

* Advanced Real Estate Appraisal includes the required 15-hour USPAP course.

In addition, you must complete the following courses that are not currently offered at Palomar College to qualify for the Trainee License.

  • Supervisory/Trainee Appraisers course
  • California state and federal laws course*
  • Cultural Competency

* This course is different from our Real Estate Law course.

Please Note: The Appraisal licensing process is multi-stepped and requires apprenticeship training.  It’s essential for individuals pursuing a Trainee Appraiser License in California to carefully review the specific requirements outlined by the Bureau of Real Estate Appraisers and stay informed about any updates or changes to the licensing process.

Getting Started

If you are new to Palomar College, you must Open a CCC account and apply for admission before you can register for classes.  This website walks you through the steps to enroll and register for courses.  You can additionally find contact information for related departments here.


you have additional questions about the Real Estate programs at Palomar College, please contact Lakshmi Paranthaman, Assistant Professor of Real Estate & Legal Studies, at  We look forward to talking with you!