Palomar Online Proctoring Service

The Palomar Online Proctoring Service (POPS) offers faculty and students an online proctoring solution that is less invasive than traditional third-party proctoring programs. POPS provides virtual proctoring for online assessments via Zoom and facilitated by paid Palomar proctors.

Online proctoring sessions are held in a Zoom room, where students are placed individually into breakout rooms. They turn on their video in Zoom and share their entire screen in the break out room. Palomar proctors periodically join each break out room, but do not disturb the test taker. Any issues are reported by the proctor and sent to the test takers’ instructor.

Is the Palomar Online Proctoring Service Right For You?

Students: If you are taking a fully online class that has a proctored test, Palomar Online Proctoring Service allows you to take the test without having to download a program that requires specific technology or locking down your browser. Instead, you get to work with a human proctor who can help make the test taking experience a little less stressful. Details about how your exact proctoring will work can be found in your Canvas test instructions or by contacting your professor.

Faculty: The Palomar Online Proctoring Service is meant to serve as a cheating deterrent, not an impenetrable cheating prevention service. Here is a video that addresses the rampant cheating problem and solutions (minutes 23:46 – 30:14) It’s important for faculty to manage their expectations around what’s possible with POPS, and choose their proctoring options accordingly:

Level of Proctoring NeededProctoring Options
No Proctoring & Limited Cheating OpportunitiesAuthentic Assessments; Case Studies; Essays; Research Projects; Group Projects
Moderate Proctoring & Cheating DeterrentPalomar Online Proctoring Service; Test Settings
Rigorous Proctoring & Cheating PreventionIn-Person Proctoring at the STAR Center (for Hybrid or In-Person Courses)

How Does the Palomar Online Proctoring Service Verify Students’ Identities?

Verifying students’ identities is an important component of online proctoring for online assessments. When students arrive in the online proctoring session, they will be asked to fill out an Online Proctoring Registration Form to collect their student email and ID number. Additionally, student proctors will verify students’ identities by viewing their student IDs or driver’s license via the camera in Zoom.

Common Concerns

I don’t want to use online proctoring, but I don’t want my students to cheat.

You might consider a different type of assessment that doesn’t lend itself to cheating very easily. Summative assessments like group projects, written papers, case study responses, or research projects, are a few assessments that don’t require online proctoring and are difficult to cheat on, or have someone else do for you.

Additional Resources

My students have concerns regarding security and privacy.

The POPS is conducted within Palomar’s secure Zoom account, and students are never recorded during the proctoring session. Palomar proctors are official Palomar employees who have gone through the hiring and screening process and are committed to Palomar’s Mission to respect each of our students’ experiences and support them to achieve academic success.

What if my students don’t have the technology needed to participate in online proctoring?

Students don’t need high-powered computers to participate. All they need is a smartphone or basic computer with wireless service and a working camera. Palomar also has computer labs and wifi available on its campuses or students are welcome to come to the STAR Tutoring Center.

I have a student who needs accommodations. What should I do?

Direct the student to the Disability Resource Center, which will assess and guide them to get the accommodations they need.

What should I do if I have a student in a different time zone, or has other extenuating circumstances, and can’t make it to an Online Proctoring Session?

We wish the Palomar Online Proctoring Service could be available 24/7, but we don’t have the resources. If a student can’t make our hours, we recommend faculty meet individually with the student to proctor the test.

My discipline has some specific needs for online proctoring. Who can I talk to about that?

Please contact Alex Cuatok ( in the STAR Tutoring Center.

How do I Access POPS for My Courses?

To use Palomar Online Proctoring Service, faculty can Schedule Online Proctoring and Set Up an Online-Proctored Canvas Quiz.