Step One: Create Your Online-Proctored Exam in Canvas
Create your exam in Canvas as you usually do, or follow the steps in the How do I create a quiz with individual questions? Canvas Guide if you’re new to Canvas Quizzes. If you have questions about setting up your quiz in Canvas, please contact Erin Hiro at
- Add the following question as the first question on your exam.
- Question Type: Fill In Multiple Blanks
- Points: 0
- Question:
- Please enter your online proctoring appointment information for this exam.
- Online Proctoring Appointment Date: [info1]
- Online Proctoring Appointment Time: [info2]
- Names of Student Proctors: [info3]
Step Two: Enter Your Exam Time Limit, Testing Window & Due Date
Proctoring Sessions are two hours long, so you’ll want to give students a maximum time to take the exam of at most an hour and a half. Time limits are required for online proctored exams, so be sure to enter a time limit even if you feel students will be able to finish with plenty of time in the proctoring session.
Fill in the Available From and Until dates with the dates when students can take your exam, and the Due Date when the exam must be taken by. It’s recommended to give students 7-10 business days to complete the exam. This will give students time to get an online proctoring appointment.
Step Three: Insert Online Proctoring Sign Up Information in the Quiz Instructions
Be sure to include the following information in your quiz instructions to let students know how to access online proctoring services. It’s recommended to also send this out to students in an announcement or email in advance of the testing window, and to include it in your syllabus if you know you will use online proctoring during the semester.
This exam will be proctored online. You will need to sign up for an online proctoring appointment with the Tutoring Center. Visit the Online Proctoring Website to sign up for an online proctoring appointment between [enter the dates for your testing window when students can take the exam]. Be sure to book an appointment during these dates, so that you can complete the exam before the exam due date, [enter due date]. Read through these guides for more information: