Student Guide: What to Expect When Taking an Online-Proctored Quiz

Step One: Get Registered

When you join the Zoom meeting for your online proctoring session, you’ll be placed in the waiting room until the proctor can get you checked in. Once you’re admitted into the meeting, you’ll be asked to fill out the registration form and show the proctor your ID.

Step Two: Get Set Up in Your Breakout Room

Once you’re all checked in, the proctor will place you in a breakout room. Once you’re in your breakout room, turn on your camera and share your entire desktop, not just your test window, for the entire time you’re taking your exam. Begin your exam when you’re ready.

Step Three: Proctor Will Visit Your Breakout Room

A proctor will come into your room periodically, but won’t talk to you, or disturb you. They’ll leave your room and return periodically while you’re taking your exam. If you have questions about proctoring, you can ask your proctor, but please don’t ask them test-related questions. During your testing session, please avoid questionable behavior which includes but is not limited to turning off your camera, not sharing your screen,  viewing any other websites other than the testing site, as these actions could be considered cheating attempts. At the end of your session, the proctor will submit a report to your instructor if any questionable behavior is observed during your testing session.

Step Four: Return to the Main Room

When you’re finished with your exam, leave the break out room and return to the main room. Check in with the proctors to confirm you are finished, and then leave the meeting. Your instructor will receive a report of who attended online proctoring.