COURSE OFFERINGS in Communications

COMM 100 Introduction to Mass Communication (3)

3 hours lecture
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC – COMM 100 and 105 combined: maximum credit, one course
A multi media approach to a comparative survey of communication in studying the history, structure, economic and social impact of television, cinema, radio, journalism, Internet and new forms of communication.

COMM 104 Introduction to Public Relations (3)

3 hours lecture
Transfer acceptability: CSU
A survey of public relations history, theories, and practices with emphasis on applications to business, public agencies and institutions. A practical approach to using the media, creating press releases, organizing and executing campaigns, and promoting favorable relations with various segments of the public.

COMM 105 Race, Gender and Media Effects (3)

3 hours lecture
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC – COMM 100 and 105 combined: maximum credit, one course
An analysis of the changing social and ethical issues that confront both our mass communication systems and the public. The media’s role in reflecting, creating, and controlling human values, both personal and social. Examination of images of women, African-Americans, Native Americans, Asian-Americans, and Latinos in the mass media and their sociological consequences.

COMM 144 Exploring the Effects of Media on Young Children (.5)

1⁄2 hour lecture
Note: Cross listed as CHDV 144
Transfer acceptability: CSU
Explores the effects of media consumption on young children’s social-emotional, physical, and cognitive development. Research behind the risks associated with television and computer use and popular culture saturation for young children, as well as benefits to development. Techniques for addressing media consumption with children, parents and families, and methods for effectively using media will be examined.

For more information, contact Professor Wendy Nelson at