About The Telescope

We are now recruiting for the newspaper staff.

This is a video is a sneak peak into the Palomar newsroom.

Students will have the opportunity to write, design, edit, promote with social media and take photographs for both the campus newspaper and magazine. Students will be able to focus in the areas that they prefer and finish their semester with tangible, printed copies of their work that they can use for internships, resumes and jobs.

To write for the newspaper or magazine you need to take Journalism 105. This is The Telescope class and it meets Monday and Wednesday from 11 – 1:50. This course requires 10 written projects, 10 story ideas and other pertinent work. This class is offered in a HyFlex format and allows you to become more involved and be considered for an editor role.  Estimated hours per week (6-9 hours, including class time.)



We publish seven times per semester and also have an active website, www.the-telescope.com.

Or follow us on twitteror FBsearch for The Telescope Newspaper!

News coverage about The Telescope.

The staff and its awards.

Here is a student, David Krueger, a Telescope staffer who won at the Society of Professional Journalists in the summer 2013.