MyPalomar Login
If you are having trouble logging in to eServices, please try the following:
- Add English Language. If you are using a language other than English on your device, you will need to add English/United States [en-us] to your Browser Languages list. Please follow this navigation:
- If you are getting an error message, “You have used this password before” and you have never signed in before, please email and let us know that you have received this message so we can have our Technical Department fix your record.
- If you get a blank screen when trying to sign in to MyPalomar, your Internet browser Security or Privacy settings may be set too high to allow the pop-up screen with your account to display. In this event, open your browser, Internet Explorer, Chrome, etc and go to Tools, Internet Options, Privacy tab and Accept Cookies. Go to Security tab and lower settings to allow the pop-up screen. Exit and then try to sign in again. See specific instructions by browser below.
- If you receive a message that your “UserID or password do not match what is in the system“, then you are making a typing error when entering your login. If you cannot remember your password, then you will need to change your password and try to sign in again.
- If you receive an error that you have made too many attempts to sign in and your account is locked, call the International Student Office at 760-744-1150, ext 2167 or email the International Student Office at Please include your Palomar ID in your email.
Make a Payment – If you get a blank screen when you try to make a payment of your fees, this means that you must disable your pop-up blocker according to your browser and the device that you are using. See step by step instructions at How to Make an Online Payment – Palomar College Fiscal Services.
How to adjust browser settings to allow pop-ups in iPhone and iPad.
How to forget a Wi-Fi network on iPhone, iPad or Mac
For any other issues, please email or call 760-744-1150, ext 2167. Please include your Palomar ID in your email or have your Palomar ID ready when you call.