College Council


The College Council is the principal participatory and planning governance body for the College. It provides a forum to review and recommend the direction and focus of the College, consistent with the College’s Vision, Mission, and Values. Based on the work and input from the four main participatory councils, the College Council directly advises the Superintendent/President on policy and governance, with attention to ensuring that all Palomar College students receive the opportunities and support they need to leverage their specific circumstances into a strong foundation for life-long resilient learning, career success, and global citizenship. It is also responsible for the review, evaluation, and continuous improvement of the participatory governance process, procedures, and structure.

Meeting Days/Times:

The College Council meets on 2nd and 4th Fridays from 9:00 – 11:00 a.m.

To access the College Council Minutes, Agendas, and other information please refer to the College Council Active Minutes page on Board Docs.

Council Goals 2023-24

  1. Implement an effective shared governance structure which includes the following:
    • Clear internal communication to the campus community (e.g., standard reporting of action items, minutes, goals).
    • Centralized membership tracking.
    • Clearly defined and implemented roles of the governance chair,  co-chair, council members, and council support to ensure effective leadership and operation of the governance groups.
    • Ongoing orientation and training.
    • Alignment of shared governance goals to the Vision Plan 2035.
  1. Implement the Policies and Procedures review cycle.
    • Develop a process to ensure councils know which BP/APs to review and when they are due.
    • Clarify which shared governance groups must review or approve BP/APs (i.e., information item or action item).
  1. Develop and implement a coordinated approach for carrying out the Vision Plan 2035.
    • Conduct a cross-walk of all current plans (i.e. technology plan, staffing plan, equity plan, guided pathways) and their alignment with the Vision Plan.
    • Develop a process for prioritizing resource requests and funding to meet Vision Plan goals.

Reporting Councils

Reporting Task Force(s) 2024-25: