What are the benefits of Cooperative Education?

The Student

  • Earns college credit for working in the job field related to his/her career or educational goals.
  • Has the opportunity to earn money while learning.
  • Learns what work in the related career field is all about.
  • Increases employability and earning power.
  • Increases the potential to advance within the career field.
  • Provides a direct relationship between the classroom and employment.

The Employer

  •  Provides an opportunity to know potential career employees.
  • Creates a resource of trained personnel.
  • Reduces the cost of employee turnover by having trained personnel available.
  • Makes a unique contribution to the extension of the community’s educational facilities.
  • Has the opportunity to hire highly motivated students whose career objectives are directly related to the job.

The College

  • Has the opportunity to respond to the specific needs of the community.
  • Has closer contact with the community.
  • Gains additional insights to the classroom situation as a result of the cooperative education student maturing on the job.