Handshake is a free platform on which Palomar students can view available job, internship, and volunteer/service learning opportunities. To access Handshake, login to your student portal here with your student.palomar.edu email address and password. Click on the Handshake tile.
You can view this brief video on how to set up your profile and start applying for jobs. This checklist can help you make sure that your profile is complete. You want to present the best profile possible to potential employers.
We recommend setting up your profile as soon as possible even if you’re not looking for a job or internship right now. That will allow you to find out about jobs and internships that align with your interests.
Handshake is a joint project of the Career Center and Workforce Development. If you have questions about Handshake, please contact Jason Jarvinen, Associate Professor/Work Experience Coordinator at jjarvinen@palomar.edu or 760.744.1150 x2355.