Community Forums are supportive, community-based spaces designed with a specific student population in mind. Community Forums have the intention of building community and a sense of belonging with student mental health and wellness as the foundation for personal and academic success. Facilitated/co-facilitated by a licensed therapist or BHCS intern/trainee.
- Umoja Mental Health Hour - held every 2nd & 4th Wednesday at 2:00pm in the Carino Dream Village (SU-1). Facilitated by BHCS counselor Mercedes Tiggs, LCSW for Umoja students.
- Cafecito con BHCS - held 9:00am - 10:00am on Tuesdays: February 18, March 18, April 19 and May TBD in SU1-D for all Puente cohorts in spring 2025 by Mariana Guzman, LMFT.
- Rising Scholars Weekly Check-In - held weekly on Fridays 10:00am - 12:00pm via Zoom and in person at the San Marcos campus Rising Scholars Clubhouse.
Psychoeducational Workshops are stand-alone workshops or workshop series that are psychoeducational in nature with an element of care and support. These workshops have an emphasis on learning and practicing new coping skills. These can be facilitated by licensed therapists and/or BHCS interns/trainees, and any currently registered student can attend.
- Circle of Support Workshops - A safe and welcoming community where you can share your experiences and feel supported. Bilingual sessions will be offered in English & Spanish on Wednesdays: February 5th & 19th and March 5th & 19th from 12pm to 1pm. Free lunch is provided. Registration is required for location information. These workshops support undocumented, DACA, students with TPS and any other students impacted by immigration policies.
- Friendship 101: Finding Your People & Cultivating Connection - This series of six workshops focuses on all thing's friendship – from making new friends, to improving the quality of your current friendships, understanding your patterns in relationships, communicating authentically and honestly, maintaining boundaries, and more. Expect to engage in interactive discussions, explore avenues to find likeminded people, and learn new ways of thinking about friendship. Offered via Zoom 1:30pm to 2:30pm on Wednesdays: March 5th, 12th, 19th and April 2nd, 9th and 16th.
- Comets for Recovery - This weekly series hosted by Jim Coil, Ed.D, LMFT will start on Monday, March 3rd from 11:30am to 12:30pm in NB-1.
Skillshops are typically stand-alone workshops offered by the Student Wellness Advocacy Group, Active Minds, or a BHCS therapist/intern in collaboration with the Palomar Promise program. They are frequently more of an overview of a topic (e.g. Stress Management) as opposed to a deep dive into clinical material. Coping skills can be introduced to students related to the Skillshop topic.
- Managing Your Mood Series - held bi-weekly on Mondays at 1:00pm or 2:00pm via Zoom and in person at the TLC classroom located at the San Marcos campus. Topics include:
- Coping with Anxiety
- Coping with Depression
- How to Feel Connected on Campus
- Anxiety vs Panic Attacks
- Grief and Loss
- Self Compassion
- Self-Care and Burnout
- Stress Management
- Health & Wellness Skillshops provided by the Student Wellness Advocacy Group (SWAG) Peer Mentors are offered via Zoom and in person either in NB-1 or TLC-112 on the following topics:
- Mindfulness, Meditation and Relaxation
- Understanding Depression & Suicide
- Stress Management
- Healthy Relationships
- Mindfulness Through Vision Boards
- Healthy Sleep
Skillshops are FREE for students and require registration. Visit our Health Promotion website for session registration and location information.
Note: Workshops, Skillshops and Community Forums are not professional counseling. If you would like professional counseling or mental health treatment, please contact the BHCS office at 760-891-7531 to schedule an appointment.