Before teaching a course online or using any distance education delivery method, it must be evaluated by a Curriculum subcommittee as a part of the course approval process in META. Clicking the Distance Ed checkbox on the Distance Education page will activate the required Distance Education fields.
You must choose whether you will offer this course as Fully Online, Partially Online, or both.
You then must answer the validation questions. Here are two examples of how to thoroughly respond to the Validation questions:
Example 1: DE Validation Example for Communication 100
- Explain why this course is particularly suited to be offered through distance education. Be sure to reference specific course objectives, core content, and student learning outcomes that can be effectively addressed in an online environment and provide examples of online activities or online tools that support the instruction of the specific course objectives and content.
Communication 100 can effectively be offered in an online format using the following activities and assignments that are linked to the course student learning outcomes and objectives.
Outcome – Demonstrate knowledge of the basic tenets of media literacy and how media literacy relates to your personal media habits. Action – Students keep an online media log of their daily media use, read online articles about media effects and connect the two in a reflection essay.
Outcome – Analyze and interpret possible bias in media content. Activity – Students watch an online video that describes and analyzes media bias. Students also read information and examples in their textbooks and other online articles about media bias. Students complete an assignment where they locate examples in current websites.
Outcome – Analyze and interpret media messages through an understanding of media practices, ownership and institutions. Action – Students watch a video that outlines media practices, ownership and institutions. Students participate in online discussions focusing on these topics.
Objective – Recognize the influence the role of technology in affecting mass media content and the impact on society. Action – Students read the textbook and current news articles about media and technology changes. They answer weekly reponses on Canvas addressing these changes. They also participate in online discussion about these topics.
Objective – Identify and analyze the ways the media shape our thinking and behavior. Action – Students read, listen to lectures and watch videos presenting a variety of different perspectives on these issues. They also participate in online discussion about these topics.
- Describe teaching methods, materials, and any other components that may be used when teaching this course using the distance education (DE) delivery mode so that the course’s unique course objectives are met and students are able to perform the course student learning outcomes.
The following teaching methods and materials will be used to meet the course objectives and outcomes. Current news articles about media issues will be analyzed and discussed in a weekly discussion board. In addition, a variety of online materials including documentaries, YouTube videos, online lectures, podcasts are used to engage students in current and relevant material.
- Describe methods, materials, and any other components that may be used to ensure academic rigor and the quality of instruction of this course.
Written essays are assigned using plagiarism tools to ensure that students are doing their own work. Online quizzes are timed and include both multiple choice type and essay questions. The questions are updated and changed regularly to help with academic dishonesty.
Example 2: DE Validation Example for Cinema/DBA 115 Creative Writing for Television and Cinema
- Explain why this course is particularly suited to be offered through distance education. Be sure to reference specific course objectives, core content, and student learning outcomes that can be effectively addressed in an online environment and provide examples of online activities or online tools that support the instruction of the specific course objectives and content.
Below are Outcomes and Activities that Cine/DBA 115 Creative Writing for TV and Cinema students can successfully complete in an online format.
Outcome: Analyze screenplay structure and craft character-based stories with clear conflicts.
Activity: Students watch an online video that explains the 3-Act screenplay structure, then they watch several short films (links provided in Canvas) and break the short films down using a Paradigm Chart. Next they watch a feature length film and read the screenplay and compare/contrast the movie with the script while breaking down the 3-Act structure.
Outcome: Compose a complete, short, narrative screenplay demonstrating proper screenplay structure and format and receive constructive feedback and revise work effectively.
Activity: Students develop a premise and 3-Act structure paradigm for their screenplay, then break into teams in Canvas and give each other feedback using the team discussion forum.
Activity: After receiving feedback from the instructor, and watching an instructional video, students develop “scene cards” either through the Celtx online film production website, or through a word or Google Doc. Next they are paired up with a teammate, and over the course of a week, arrange to meet with their partner “virtually” through video conference to talk through their cards with each other. They give each other feedback by filling out a feedback form through Canvas. The instructor reviews both the scene cards and the feedback.
Activity: Students learn screenplay formatting through online scriptwriting platforms such as Celtx or YouMeScript, by joining in on several “live” ConferZoom sessions offered by the instructor, or watching an instructional video.
Outcome: Develop methods to protect and promote screenplays for production.
Activity: Students will come together in a ConferZoom session (or watch the recording later) to talk about the industry and how to protect and promote their screenplay. A guest speaker from the industry will also join the discussion to give the students real-world insight into the profession of screenwriting.
- Describe teaching methods, materials, and any other components that may be used when teaching this course using the distance education (DE) delivery mode so that the course’s unique course objectives are met and students are able to perform the course student learning outcomes.
Discussion forms, Groups in Canvas, online videos, Palomar College library movie database, ConferZoom sessions for large and small group activities and working one-on-one with the instructor, Kahoot, Socrative, and guest speakers through ConferZoom. Final screenplays will be read aloud in class or in small groups in a “table read” style, to allow students to hear their work outloud and to learn to give and receive constructive feedback. This feedback is entered into a google form that students can then download and reference for their rewrite.
- Describe methods, materials, and any other components that may be used to ensure academic rigor and the quality of instruction of this course.
Regular, on-going feedback will be given by the instructor on all course materials that prepare students for writing a short screenplay, including detailed video feedback walking students through their script. Using the online tutoring services through NetTutor and Palomar College will be strongly encouraged by the instructor. The instructor will be available to work with students in one-on-one ConferZoom sessions.
If you need further assistance please contact the Distance Education Coordinator.