Information Technology (AS, CA)

Information Technology

This program prepares students for employment in information systems applica­tions development in business and industry. The focus is on developing skills in programming languages, Internet, spreadsheets, databases, presentation graphics, word processing, and database design. See a counselor for additional university transfer requirements in this major.


Program Requirements

Course Units Offered Pre-Req
CSIT 105 Computer Concepts and Applications 3 Fall, Spring, Summer None
CSIT 125 Computer Information Systems 3 Fall, Spring, Summer None
CSIT 150 Introduction to SQL 3 Fall, Spring None
CSIT 175 Python Programming 3 Fall, Spring None
CSIT 180 C# Programming I 3 Fall None
CSIT 230 Data Modeling 3 Spring None
CSWB 110 Web Site Development with HTML5/CSS3 3 Fall, Spring None
CSWB 120 JavaScript and jQuery 3 Fall CSWB 110 or equivalent
CSWB 150 PHP with MySQL 3 Spring CSWB 110 or equivalent
Electives (Choose 1)
CSIT 275 Advanced Python Programming 3 * TBD CSIT 175
CSIT 165 R Programming 3 Spring None
CSIT 280 C# Programming II 3 * TBD CSIT 180
CSNT 111 Networking Fundamentals 3 Fall, Spring, Summer None
CSNT 150 AWS Academy Cloud Foundations 3 Fall None

 Total Units: 30

To Be Determined – Contact Department