Private Universities

Alliant International University
Alliant Articulation
Azusa Pacific UniversityGeneral Education; Accepts IGETC or CSU GE
PCC courses to APU, 2014-2015
Biola UniversityTransfer Evaluation System
California Baptist UniversityTransfer Guides
Design Institute of San DiegoPalomar College Transfer Equivalencies: General Education and Major Preparation
Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising
TAG Pathways for Transfer
Creative Industry
Transfer Credit Equivalency Search
Grand Canyon UniversityArticulation Agreement Transfer Credit - All colleges

Palomar College Credit Equivalencies
John Paul The Great Catholic UniversityJPCatholic ArticulationJPCatholic Articulation
Loma Linda University
Dental Hygiene
Allied Health Transfer Patterns
Marshall B. Ketchum UniversityPrerequisite Articulation
National University
ADT Transfer Scholarship
Transfer Equivalency Calculator
Articulation Agreement
New School of Architecture and DesignTuition Discount and other InformationArticulation Agreement
Bachelor of Interior Architecture and Design
Point Loma Nazarene University
General Education Information
Transfer Information
Transfer Equivalencies

Please click on the GUIDES link to the far right of your transfer college's name to access our General Education Transfer Agreements.
Your major may require a specific GE course from our transfer agreement, so check out your major requirements in the PLNU Catalog first.
Point Loma Nazarene University Adult Degree CompletionAdult Degree Completion Programs and Locations

Adult Degree Completion General Education
GE and Transfer Equivalencies
University of Massachusetts Global (Formerly Brandman University))
Articulation by Major and GE Block Transfer
University of PhoenixCourse by course, various years
University of Redlands
School of Business
Equivalency Guides
University of San Diego
Transfer Equivalency Search
Equivalency Search by USD course
USD IGETC Alignment
USD Business Archived Articulation
University of Southern California
General EducationCore and Major Requirements
University of the PacificPharmacy course equivalencies
Dental Hygiene
Woodbury University School of Architecture San DiegoTransfer Articulation Agreement