Free Workshops, Tours, and Events
Arboretum Tour (plus bird identification)
With Tony Rangel and Beth Pearson
April 12, 2025
8:00am – 10:00 am
Meet us at the entrance near the entrance stone (see photo below) at the north end of Lot 5.
The tour is free!
Optional: Bring your own water, snacks, sunscreen lotion, hat and sunglasses. Wear comfortable walking shoes.
Find an interactive map of the San Marcos Campus here:
A Parking permit is required, but may be purchased online using the ParkMobile app ($1/hour)
Use Zone # 7514 for visitor spaces
For more information, visit Palomar’s Parking & Procedures
Please RSVP Tony Rangel if you will be attending this tour.
Or call: (760) 744-1150 x2133
Arboretum Entrance
Thank you for supporting the Friends of the Palomar College Arboretum!
Note to Faculty:
You can receive Professional Development credit by taking our workshops, tours and lectures. Maximum of 2 hours of PD credit per semester. (PD Code #120)
Please sign-up with the Professional Development office.
Call (760) 744-1150 x2250 for more information.