Assess Outcomes

Step 2. Gather Information (or Assess Outcomes)

After outcomes and assessment methods have been defined, the next step is to gather information on student learning.  There are so many ways to assess student learning that it can feel overwhelming. When assessing course and program outcomes, focus on gathering meaningful information and keeping it simple.  Use the resources and models below to help with your next assessment. If you need assistance, contact your department SLO facilitator or an SLO coordinator.

The practical steps to gathering information are presented below:

  1. Assess each course and program outcomes at least once every three years.
  2. Consider program review timeline when planning assessments.

Assessment Models

  • Program Assessment Model: Basic, No Frills Assessment Plan, by Barbara E. Walvoord Highly recommended read.  This document presents a simple model for assessing program outcomes, which could also be applied to course outcomes assessment.  Page 3 of the document summarizes the three steps of the model: 1. define outcomes, 2. assess outcomes using two assessment measures – one direct and one indirect assessment, and 3. hold an annual meeting to discuss assessment results and identify actions.
  • Model for Assessing Outcomes for Courses with Multiple Sections

Assess with Canvas

  • Use Canvas to Assess Outcomes The Learning Mastery Feature in Canvas allows instructors to assess outcomes in Canvas while simultaneously grading student work.  Students are also able to view their progress in meeting outcomes.  This feature can be used to assess both course and program outcomes.

More Resources